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Everything posted by KMARKSnr

  1. Hi all, I snared four rabbits yesterday,and they, as all others i`ve caught,had fleas. I dressed the rabbits,put them in the freezer. Can these fleas live off us humans (scratch,scratch) Regards, Mark.
  2. I`ve only ever owned the one dog,(Brett),- a brindle cross off working Jack Russell/Whippet,parents,which i used as my rough shooting companion. He outperformed every dog that ever worked alongside him. I had numerous offers for him,especially from Gypsies,and Travelling people,so much so that i never let him out of my sight. Now whilst not singing boring praises about my past gundog,- exactly what do we want ? Retriever, Flushing dog, Ratting dog, Fox dog, Waterfowling dog, Guard dog, Rabbitting dog,
  3. Never take chances,- we were always told to check the vital organs well to ensure the bird or animal being prepared for the pot was healthy when shot.Throw the lot away (for me anyway)if the internal organs look unwell. A fishing friend of mine says carp are renowned for liver fluke Regards, Mark.
  4. Hi James,All, I`m off to my shoot later,- do you think a Feinwerkbau Sport 127 could tackle a 2000lb buffallo if i see one ? Regards.
  5. Excellent shooting woodchip,- all seem to be headshots,
  6. Hi Gaz,All, Was speaking to a lady at BASC earlier today,and she told me you can take rabbit any time of year,on land with permission granted to you. Regards.
  7. Hi all, Big "Hello"to everyone. Regards, Mark.
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