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Everything posted by sean.t

  1. dont get rid of them until 8-10 weeks old then keep the one with the biggest knuckles you will no roughly how big the dog will be from that and the bigger the better usually
  2. people do put there dogs on steroids for more muscle its supposed to make them faster to but usually turns them 2 shit after a couple of months you will know if those dogs are on steroids or not soon enough
  3. it has to be game if the dog has balls it should do anything
  4. 6months is to young to start working her anyway but get her out with other dogs if it isnt in her its hard to put in if u no what i mean?
  5. give it untill its at least a year old before you start working it or it will be shite it takes patience but worth it in the end
  6. nice dog hi built like a tank say it will do well
  7. nice dog hi built like a tank say it will do well
  8. ive got a deerhound greyhound x wheaton greyhound i will get the pics on soon here she is
  9. ive got a deerhound greyhound x wheaton greyhound i will get the pics on soon
  10. how many roughly i can bring my 5 and my mates have ones to
  11. they look to have big knuckles on them to id say they would grow huge 2 cracker dogs to by the way That second pup looks a nice one hope they work for you mate.
  12. those lamps lite up the hole field and if its a rabbit ur onto you can lose them very easy with them lamps better to spend about £150 on a lamp and it would last you a life time
  13. abit of fire this 3/4 bred whippet 1/4 bedlington was only 18'' to shoulder , but was the best bitch ive owned , she was game as hell , the little white dog in the middle, hard as nails she was that one on your left is an absoulte double for my bitch is there wheaten in her
  14. i no a boy with a doberman grey good at night on the lamp but relly stupid and just runs around mad during the day still more or less a pup but 15months the stupidness mite go yet
  15. Where is this? Could i use y whippetgreyxbullgrey
  16. best time i ever had was in day light 2 dogs an hour and a half of what was supposed to be a walk through a field and 23 rabbits mostly queenies to. Yess ladd get in there!
  17. I must of been real lucky with my other dogs cuz they have always retrieved to hand! i think thats why its bothering me a liitle she just wount no matter what i try carnt get her to do it. She might do it when i start working her i surpose i will just have to wait and see.thnks for the replys lads get it out with other dogs but keep her on the lead for a few runs so she can see what they do then give the other dogs treats for giving it into the hand
  18. i have collie/greyhoundxgermanshepard/greyhound bitch 2 and a half years old lifts anything with a lamp on it it small and quick off the mark and could run all night and brilliant fox dog extremely smart dog
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