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Everything posted by sean.t

  1. Vets dont get so many working dogs in there clinics and most of there work with k9s is toy dogs with half whit owners who say "They want the best for their doggy, cause it means the world to them" and thats just a licesense to steal for a vet because those half whit owners who put hats and scarves on their yorkie terriers in the cold dont know a f**k about dogs, whereas when you've kept working dogs and seen the battlewounds they sustain and it doesn't bother them then you know you're dog doesn't need half the things its getting. I know this because I did a summers work expeirience with a vet
  2. wipe it with damp teabags a few times a day
  3. No offense but those pups wont be worth a f**k, save your self the bother and put them in a bucket of water. It'll just break your heart trying to get them to work. Sean
  4. I hate all this crap? Hares are "easier" to catch at night but that doesnt mean they are "easy" they dont cope well under the beam but can still run and turn very well and depending on what type of ground your on it can be realy hard.
  5. Sounds like mange, go to the vets and ask them for bottle of "pour-on" costs about £10 and just pour a small bit down along his spine and it kills off the infection completely. Keep him away from other dogs to mate if it is mange its highly contagious. Sean
  6. Its still only 4 months there could be plenty of growing left in it yet. I always give my pups calcium supplements and pure cod liver oil in their food twice a day and it realy helps them shoot up when there young . Sean
  7. Ive seen a ess x whippet grey kill a fox and he had all the stayen power in the world and as quick as any pbt cross iv seen, dogs been put down last year though as he got too old but the boy had him said it was an absolute nightmare to train , their realy headstrong and like to put the nose to ground and f**k off for a while atb if you try it anyway. Sean
  8. First cross pitbull greyhound 25-26 Inches ideal Fox, Deer, Hare, Rabbit and easily if trained right
  9. I hear they're bad with young children
  10. Have a picture of 2 of the pups here Fawn / Brindle one is one I kept back from the litter this picture was taken at 8 weeks (excuse the poor pic) And the Black was the last dog to go had him on here last week but went last night to a great home well chuffed (his picture at 13 weeks) Sean.t
  11. Ibizan Hound ----used for small game hunting can get upto 40mph BALLS! Ive seen one of these pull down deer single handed no bother either and takes daytime hares for breakfast , it was an australian boy had it brought it over from there and had to sell it as he couldnt climbatise it over the winter the dog got to sick , shame to fastest dog ive ever seen. Sean
  12. The pup is nearly 13 weeks by the way
  13. If a genuine young lad was intrested mate then i would probably let him have him thing is i havnt met any yet as they think a dog at this age can go out and catch straight away and when they dont they offload them again ! Fair enough matey, i just think that sometimes older isn't always better........... Couldnt agree with you more mate ! The majority of the time a genuine young boy will look after the dog far better because he will be so glad to have it. The young ones take their dogs everywhere and they only think that they can catch straight away if you give it to a
  14. Long storry , man from cookstown held off and held off taking this pup and finally made up the excuse he couldnt take it because it had pitbull blood which he knew from the start. The dog is the white and brown one , hes 1/2 greyhound 1/4 collie and 1/4 pitbull 29 and 1/2 inches to shoulder lifting rabbits , hares and foxes. Has taken his first deer last year. 2 and 1/2 years old Blue bitch 27 inches to shoulder first cross pitbull greyhound lifting the same except never been worked with deer. 5 years old. Both parents can be seen. Pup is black with white socks racey type no p
  15. As long as it is past the mad puppy stage were all they want to do is run mad(up to aroun 18months to 2 years) it should be alright. But I would go for a good dog because young ones wont settle for a half decent dog if he has grown up with dogs then a big dog shouldnt be too much of a handling to him. Go for a gooden anyway breeding shouldnt come into the equation I got my first dog of my own when I was 11 pitbull greyhound x collie greyhound 27"to shoulder and never caused me a bother and I had 4 other big dogs also by the time I was 14, one to him shouldnt be a bother. Sean
  16. could you get this across the water pm if you can sean
  17. Bit early yet the cover was looking a bit thick. Good bag Sean
  18. I give my pups milk , cheese and wheetabix 4-5 times aday until they are about 12-15 weeks then they go on nuts and multivitamin tablets and what ever scrapps in the house. Sean
  19. What kind of range on has it on the rabbits
  20. shes 4 and she is working perfect on things i cant say and foxes rabbits and hares
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