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paul the poacher

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Everything posted by paul the poacher

  1. well done mate wish it was legal to dig the ultimate test for a terrier over here but our government are busy destroying the country to be interested in us lot all the best mate
  2. nice 1 carl pal nice to hear you have started well ignore the c unts on here mate they are in every walk of life but your digging with pics to prove it mate so dont worry yourself pal
  3. young lucky is owned by marcus and is running well iv heard from a v good source
  4. thats your opinion ye but i dont see the problem its not illegal is it it shouldn't cause any problems i kind of understand why your saying it but like i say nothing illegal is been done on them .bareknuckle boxing is illegal dvds are still on sale
  5. is that the chocolate bitch i seen co chise
  6. my mate had a real hard wheeler dog should of bred him really but sadly he no longer with us in fact he was too hard to be honest had to be shallow earths as you could not take risks with him
  7. he is mate next time ur out if u dont mind let us tag along i want him to see sumat pretty soon he on trial u see better take them pics down now [bANNED TEXT] i get a hammering ha ha oh and i asked the keeper if we could go on he said sept [bANNED TEXT] corn down so get yourself and owens ready ha
  8. not too far from wakefield pal ...and its the red dog co chise
  9. there is nothing illegal on my videos or any iv seen cant see how its any different to watching a running dog on tape myself
  10. i cant put pic up of it co chise its a [bANNED TEXT] ugly b*****d you lot will all laugh at him ha
  11. YOU GET LEADS TO TRANSFER FROM CAMCORDER TO TV PAL so you can watch through the camcorder ye mate thats wat i waqs trying to explain mate but im a bit slack with words ha ha
  12. its on camcorder mate an u have to watch it thru that n ur tv will cost some postage ha ha
  13. where can i get some decent footage of terrier work on dvd am bored shitless sat waiting for the season and they would sure help pass the time ,i have a load iv made myself but iv seen them too many times now so if anyone knows pls let me no as jeremy kyle is repeats now seen them 2
  14. be running this lad he 2 he fit fast and can strike
  15. plenty of good hare dogs in ireland they been stolen from england ha haha now that is a joke lads dont take it the wrong way ha
  16. theres a few who no everything but wont say owt makes u wonder if they are the thieves and are waiting for people to say look here look there and if there location comes up wahayyy dogs get moved thats wat im thinking
  17. head like a snake,slender like a rake feet like a cat tailed like a rat ,side like a bream runs like a dream
  18. thats the 1 mate i was there then was one of them a brindle dog with jt doing the slipping i believe
  19. lucky man hope my pal has the same luck with his well done mate
  20. defo go to ground on that one
  21. there the lads who dont want people poaching there land best stay clear then matey cos some of them dont fuk about
  22. JJ won in 02 i believe nice 1 pal got my dates wrong ha im sure that tiger won it tho
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