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About doubletwelve

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  1. Opinions are going to vary. I always use 24" on firm ground, even then the 'Old Boys' tell tell me to cut a couple of inches off!
  2. Excellent... Knowing e-bay they will having next for displaying a Phallic symbol. lol
  3. I tried plastic once, until one frosty morning when I used a little too much pressure. I can still see the scar...........
  4. I know an old boy who swears by one of those £7 cordless rechargable jobs! You can save a fortune by making up your own battery pack; but regarding lamps I think the old saying 'you get what you pay for' is true. Good luck.
  5. Just get your part of the form sent, referees have to send their parts independantly, it all ties up in the end. Yes, the land has to be inspected for suitability, on some occasions you may have to meet up, also its a good idea to get a map maked with land boundries when you get your permission papers which can make life easier. If that all clears you get the visit to inspect security etc, Wait for licence to appear........ go blow your savings. At least thats how it went for me!
  6. Hi everybody, Fantastic forum, how I've not stumbled here before I'll never know! I'm 30ish Male living in Bedfordshire, mainly into Rabbit control (Ferreting, Long netting and Shooting) with the occasional mix of Pigeon shooting and foxing when time allows. Anyway..... i'm starting to sound like a personal add now
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