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About foxcub

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 14/11/1996

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  • Interests
    Horses, terriers, hunting, ratting, shooting (not that I get the chance very often), bikes, motorbikes, science. I want to get into sailing and mink hunting.
  1. its my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Its floded round here.Took ages to get to my mums horses because the road was 2 foot deep in water and we had to go a long way round.
  3. foxcub

    my website

    you wish is your mother a mod, cub no i dont think so
  4. foxcub

    my website

    i dont think so it a free forum but i woud like to
  5. foxcub

    my website

    i made a web site today called www.bhumble.webs.com i am so happy its a forum and we talk about eveything to cars to fishing it has only 6 peple on it at the moment(not much)but very pleased
  6. Thank you, I really appreciate your replies!! It made me very happy! Mr Snap, I'm getting on very wel thank you. I love my rifle and going out after rabbits. I'm going tomorrow and if I get any I will get Mum to tka e apicture so I can show you. I hope I'm going to go out after some pigeons soon! hi aaron pp - the gun is a HW35 MADE IN GREMANY KAL 5.5-that is exactly what it says on the side... err dose that mean any think to you because i not me It's a bit big for me and i struggle a bit standing up and aiming, as it's very heavy. But I do ok. It's 11.5 bar. Mum is
  7. i was just wondering why have you got a pic of a dead sheep as you moto :icon_eek: COS I KILLED IT AN TOOK THE PHOTTO AND LIKED IT...IS THAT OK :icon_eek: :icon_eek: :icon_eek:
  8. i was just wondering why have you got a pic of a dead sheep as you moto :icon_eek:
  9. im foxcub because im foxyjo son(sadly... please save me :cray: she is going to kill me for all the things i have put on here tonight
  10. poor mum but she is a pain i hav :e to keep makeing her tea and cook for her :piggy: but it make school very coplex and nowing the lack of organisation more days of school
  11. hi i have a whippet pup 1 years old,and we hadn't done lamping untl we had her nice to meet you :welcomeani:
  12. This is my terrier Hunter, he is a jack russell, with some yorkshire terrier in there a few generations back. He is 8 years old now. He is good at ratting and flushing rabbits. He is the coolest dog because he will ride on everything, like boats and quads. Even on horses with my mum.This is us a few years ago. And this was him at Torbay Steam Fair a couple of weeks ago
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