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Everything posted by craftycarper

  1. can't let my 3 mutts off for the same reason. Got a wood full of deer and once they've caught sight of them on the move theyre off... ain't no stopping them. As for other dogs thats a joke, mine are always on the lead and the amount of times i've had dogs charge at us and the owner can be seen as a blip on the horizion not paying a darn bit of notice. Ive had to put the boot in on a couple of semi aggresive mutts a few months back because the owner could not be seen, makes me sick. The way i see it is if mine are on leads then i'm on the right side of the law, can't be blamed for nowt, and all
  2. Great to see her & the other dick get this, had my doubts whether they would get a lighter sentence but 8 yrs is ok for the old dog...wonder whats gonna happen when the appeal goes in? my opinion they should of thrown away the key...
  3. whereabouts are you mate? and will you split any? or up for a swap for some of it.....
  4. do you still get fined if they have the squirts and you can't pick it up?
  5. don't see a problem with picking dog shit up, in fact it's great this time of year times it by my three mutts in bags makes great little hand warmers in ya pocket when theres a cold nip in the air like now :tongue4:
  6. thats a mk1 box in the picture, ain't it?
  7. EU Article 47 could destroy sea angling. If you are haven't heard about it or are unsure of what the issues are, look at the bottom of the page. Next week MEPs are meeting to discuss the proposals which would require recreational anglers throughout the EU to : Have to pay for a license Be Subject to quota/bag limits - once you have caught that, pack up and go home Have to fill in catch returns in log books Along with these, catch and release will be banned and you will lose the right to roam. This will apply equally to all forms of angling - shore, boat, charter
  8. would love to get some here, some decent stuff will do...about a weeks worth would be great fun
  9. Well i thought i'd seen some silly things in my time but yesterday took some beating. Driving down a narrow country lane when it started to rain and the twat coming towards me quickly pulls in pulls and throws a greyhound out the motor , winds the window down, throws the lead through it and commences to walk it as the car is slowly moving along. He did this in a short space of time just as a large fecking lorry was approaching his rear end
  10. I didn't, I got her to buy it , being a 2nd time round and having paid quite a bit the first time, you realize the price has nothing to do with it, no amount of money can make it better or worse, both our wedding rings came to less than a ton to tell you the truth first time round i think the ring was just over a ton & the wedding rings probably 150 for the pair from someone in the trade. Marriage lasted 6 years, so far we have been together nearly twice as long as my marriage lasted so i suppose that speaks for itself and if you do the math, then £150 for each year together is ha
  11. to tell you the truth i had been looking at another land rover and was quietly thinking to myself Mmmmm i'm halfway there to getting what i want...just have to start saving again
  12. shame not many lasses like you around my neck of the woods, nothing would make me happier than to spend an afternoon together with a fert & dog knee high in mud...that is apart from the expression on her face when i parted with my hard earned cash dinnertime today....should have took a picture of it
  13. Thanks LG, once bitten , twice shy....won't be doing it again though, she's happy and thats what counts...and yeah it was a lot of money...still tooo much in my opinion. Just need to get some dirt under her nails now eh!
  14. there was 2 on there the other day a lurcher pup for £50 and a cheeky blighter asked if it could be delivered, and another guy selling a van for £300 who had a reply offering £150 as that was the going price on ebay...cheeky git
  15. Ouch....well i ain't replacing it if it goes walkies. She's gonna be sticking it on her house insurance and if there is any problems down the line it will be a ring out of a cracker next time
  16. i heard this channel being talked about on the radio the other day, don't think i get it on virgin media, gonna check later shame as it sounds interesting
  17. lucky man, i say....was just pure luck this ring was her size. If i had my way it would have been Argos as well but it's now done and dusted...
  18. well bit of a update on the ring scenario folks.....today we went out and got it. She spotted a ring when she was out shopping with her mother yesterday. Bottom line was she said it was what she wanted, white gold, 1 ct stone and it was secondhand (that surprised me) but........it was way too dear in her opinion as i had already agreed to £1200 being more than enough....and here it comes........ring valued at £3199...selling at £2199. I went and had a look today with her and said if we can get it down to £1900 i would buy it there and then, guess what....her reply was no ...£1800. I tol
  19. no problem mate, i wouldn't mind if it said o.n.o but it is a for sale section not bidding, if you can get one for that price then why haggle, just go to the place you see it cheapest, put your money down end of
  20. get one off ebay then & stop taking the piss
  21. Mmm & good old Master Bates out of pugwash, the good old days
  22. yeah there was, and what did the guy use to call his neighbour in that ole classic ..love thy neighbour...
  23. got a 12 month ban in my first year of driving 22 yrs ago for drinking, was a right twat, never again. I would be lost if it were now, so dependent on the old motor.
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