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Everything posted by craftycarper

  1. takee a look at these... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=rnFm5MH9j-c&...feature=related http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=tfJlJPHw3iU&...feature=related
  2. theres spain for the carp and monster cats in the river whats it called is it the ebro?, cuba supposed to be good but like florida i think the weather is the wrong time, oz and mix it with a hol of a lifetime, great place to go...france for carp if you want to stay in a bivvie by a lake for the duration saying that a lot of brits i believe are now taking on waters there offering the works....canada not to sure about, wheres that place wilson went a few years ago for the giant sturgeon, crikey they were as big as the boat...parts of africa'a coastline i believe has some great shore fishing....
  3. blimey, you took your time replying for a change...let me guess....youve been peeling
  4. craftycarper

    busy me

    bet you have fun cleaning out time....
  5. Is this what is known as "MOONING" the Sontarons have landed...run
  6. can i see a battery compartment on that....cheat
  7. your so vain Kay, self portaits...thats cheating me dear ...i would get a file & some ointment on that if i was you
  8. can also toss her a rabbit head, should keep her happy for a while....
  9. looks like the remnants of my discarded condom box
  10. i always stick insects in the garden, best place for them. Can't stand them in the house.....
  11. As stated already it's as easy or as hard as you want it, i still feed mine vitalin but with allsorts mixed in with it. From minced rabbit,chicken, tins of tuna (without the can) pasta,rice family leftovers, tinned dogfood(yeah sorry), gravy's...hell lets face it you can even serve it up three weetabix mashed up in goats milk for breakfast if you want...two out of my three eat anything you throw at em, the other is fussy & finnicky, takes forever to eat and has to remove every morsel from the bowl onto the floor before it starts to eat, but hey what should i expect it's a bitch...blimey i'
  12. craftycarper


    sod the units Kay, loada ole codswallop...do as i do....drink as much as you can in as little time as you can, basically till you drop...make sure it's indoors then someone can pick you up and put you to bed. Next day or maybe the day after who knows you will wake up not knowing how much you drank hence not having the guilt trip and not knowing how many units youv'e had...works all the time for me...although a friend of mine tried this and started coughing up blood, but it passed rather quickly
  13. Ha ha very funny, by the way what do you mean when you say a nice juicy Tench? don't tell me you eat them :sick:
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