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Everything posted by craftycarper

  1. Well as it says above, i've eventually started to build my first mews well a week ago after much where do i start wheres it gonna go and how big etc. I havent taken this lightly and have been pondering over this for the last two years spending a lot of time reading watching a few friends and tapping into their endless knowledge of BOP's and trawling through endless dvd's on training, anotomy and healthcare etc. Heres a few pics, don't look like much yet, but it's a start. Timber for the framework was delivered this afternoon so as soon as i get the last of the blocks in...maybe tomorrow (weath
  2. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=jtbM6wwyA1U&...feature=related
  3. saw a big pile of cb aerials at a boot sale the other day...that's where i'd start mate....
  4. thats looks like a nice set up...
  5. craftycarper


    See a bow perch the other day with perspex either side of it, i believe its called a pendulam perch....whats all that about, first one i've ever seen.....just curious
  6. seems like a no win situation mate, i've read endless threads on the IFF site of people slagging off others for wanting to ditch their HH after a season or two to go for a Gos or something different. Unfortunately some of us are not in the position to have one or two of each. You are hardly a newbie if you have flown them for a couple of years with others and have people at hand to help you out. The only thing of concern is like the HH, say the Gos don't float your boat? then whats gonna happen....
  7. shame it never made dvd, do you know what channel aired it, i remember seeing the ratting episode and i think i remember them on the shoreline in another looking for conger when the tide went out...weren't on bbc was it..just wondering if its available on i player or something.
  8. shame they wouldn't give me anything for him, i suppose i could stick an ad in a man on man escort site....he can work it off hard labour...
  9. well its been paid up today,just the one that is...still not seen him yet, he came in from fishing when i was a kip and snuck out again. In a minute all his fishing gear is going under lock and key for starters and hopefully he may have been blacklisted which may stop him getting his hands on any more credit as for the beware of the dog sign...maybe a sign saying dogs playing in the garden might suffice....
  10. he still needs a good slap i'm affraid...don't forget he is nearly 19 and this is the kid that if any of you recall from earlier posts that got his friends to keep his great grandmother busy while he raided her savings in the next room....i suppose he does needa sitting down again then ey?...also waiting to hear from the police as his younger brother has just told me his latest scam is bolt cropping mountain bikes from the local train station, the latest of which was £900 worth....he don't listen, does not talk, can't be bothered to work....basically not a care in the world
  11. doing me bloody head in, even when i don't see him he's giving me grief will have to sort a will out me thinks...can't have him getting his dirty little mitts on the house when i turn me toes up
  12. this is only the first one Kay o2, theres capital one,abbey national and vodophone yet to get to grips with him. I have a large box in my bedroom full of applications from all sorts of companies that he has and is still applying to for money, all of them accepting him for accounts....apart from one...guess which one......American express ...prat
  13. As you can tell,i am more concerned over my dogs welfare in all this as to my twat of a son....i've done a pretty good job of keeping my hands off him for the past 5 yrs or so...but i must admit that at the moment he is severely pushing his luck and i wish i had given him a well deserved slap a couple of years back, that maybe changing this week when i catch up with the little scumbag
  14. heres another question......if i have my back door open and they jump the gate to gain entry say....then how would i stand if one of the dogs was in the garden and took a chunk out of one of them, can they climb over a locked back gate to gain entry to an open back door or does the gate have to be unlocked for them to gain entry? sorry i think thats more than one question....
  15. yep just spoke to the people at that link Kay gave me. They have no rights at all, although they can gain entry through an open window or unlocked door which is a pain as the back door is open a lot this time of year for the dogs. Once they have entered the property though they can return at a later date and forcibly enter in the presence of police and a locksmith and have to secure the property when they leave....
  16. problem is that he does not work or claim benefits, so basically has nothing to pay with
  17. cheers Kay, will look into that and make a few calls once i've had a sleep.....
  18. Right my eldest son (the arsehole) who has worked about six weeks in total this year has gone and got himself in debt. Athough i warned him about borrowing money...Capital one and continuousley changing his mobile phones with no income coming in he went ahead and did it. Now i have found some letters in his room and it looks as though the debts have now be passed onto a debt recovery agency. So hence the question above, what are my rights when and if they turn up and what are there rights as my son is very rarely here as of late, and basically there is nothing to reposes of his anyhow. Anyone
  19. on there as well, although i don't use it often...will have to stick some pics on there when i get a minute...
  20. Here goes then...what would you rather die from smoking or this http://www.medicinenet.com/huntington_disease/article.htm
  21. i stopped for two yr once, then started again and in the last seven years i quit again for 18 months but started again, all said and done i love my fags and yeah i know its bad for you, let them ban it or try to, course they won't..onto to much of a good thing ain't they. Apart from lung cancer theres a lot of people on here who are gonna die from strokes,heart attacks or some other form of cancer thats gonna be painfull and they don't smoke..thats a fact, so cut the bull and guilt trips. I have an illness in my family that i have a 50/50 chance of getting and believe you me i would rather ha
  22. same could be said if someone saw you crossing the road with a brace of pheasant over your shoulder or a fert in yer pocket and half a dozen of conies on yer back
  23. we have a lot of filming outside where i work if that counts. The hustle, robert vaughen was outside having a cuppa...life on mars...whats his name simms i think, was being driven round our building all day, he was in a motor on the back of a trailer with a camera in the front screen pretending to drive, they spent all day doing that just because the glass on our building windows and the reflection it gave, funny thing is if you blinked in the program you missed it, we are in london and the program was set in manchester i think. A scene of the de vinci code was also filmed over the road, and a
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