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Everything posted by craftycarper

  1. 3 chooks, 3 beddy/whippets,3 ferts was five,two passed away during fireworks last week , 1 budgie found on doorstep a few years back during the gales & 1 oscar..would love some discus...oh and male harris hawk, recovering from a leg injury at the mo...
  2. well i just rang two up, one said they had a bin of scraps (mixture)daily which i was welcome to another said they had the carcasses but it was a case of first come first served as a lady pops in and usually takes them...worth a go
  3. cheers will give that a go...
  4. I did say that i had installed the software on my laptop, when i plug the camera in it does not recognize it though. Have uninstalled and re-installed but it still don't recognize it, can't even import it through the software.
  5. No hare around my shoot...but i did spy some partridge out the corner of me eye....and a few mallard
  6. i like...looking for one for the series 3 have looked through marine lights but not seen much yet at the right price...how much was that and where from...
  7. Seem to have a problem connecting the above to my laptop. Its fine on my main desktop which is running xp pro but when i try to connect it to my laptop it does not recognize the camera, basically you cannot highlight any options on the eos utility box, and you cannot import it as it does not recognize the camera. You can view the pictures through windows media or whatever but not the cannon software. I have uninstaled and re-installed but still the same problem, the laptop is running vista by the way. Any ideas would be great folks.....
  8. Well having not been out much of late due to the weather and other commitments i thought i would head out with my single hammer Astra and see if there was any squirrels lurking around the woods. Instead i ended up bagging these a pair a piece all within 25 minutes...happy days
  9. well we have been back to the vets today and he seems to think it's worth sticking with and seeing out for another course of ab's.
  10. no behave and get her to buff your moderator till its gleaming..... i must admit that sarah palin doll was impressive
  11. Log basket for the fire pmsl!!!(log as in wooden logs before you start pmsl keep those weird fetishes to urself pmsl!!!) a up.....weird fetishes.....i thought that would be the person posting pics of young ladies waving guns in their suzzies
  12. i was more worried about that bucket/portaloo directly below her
  13. you can always take one of these, just watch out for the brambles http://www.sextoys.co.uk/Female/Sarah-Pali...y-Love-Doll.asp
  14. well heres the news...totally gutted, vet says he should be pts due to the cost and time involved with the leg wound. My head says he is right but i have made the mistake & made a decision from the heart to try another course of ab's. He has put on a fair bit of weight this week while he has been free lofted, and to look at him you would not think there is anything wrong with him.
  15. not a tree rat bite mate, the following on was in a small clump of trees and i had one eye on him all the time and there was not a great deal of distance between us 20 - 30 yrds the most. i'm thinking it was an anklet issue and maybe something to do with when he was caught and leathered up by the guy i got him off, although i check his feet etc daily as i said it was directly under the leather so i must of missed it and then it was too late it just took hold very quickly. He has had his last lot of anti-biotics today, swelling seems to be going down, temperature has gone although the hole in
  16. Looking quite good up till now
  17. He seems fine in himself and is eating ok, the heat in his leg has gone and i will see the medication out and get him back to the vets. Problem is the wound is right where the anklet would be on the front of the leg as well so its gonna be sometime before i can get another back on him as if he bates its gonna open the whole lot back up again, i don't think he is going to be flying again this season, its that bad and i also don't like the look of the hole that he made in his leg. If it does not settle soon i reckon the vet might wanna open the leg up, will let you know of the outcome shortly...
  18. I'm steve i have 3 lurchers,5 ferts, 1 budgie,3 chickens, 1 x harris hawk,1 x oscar,3 x children and live in Essex with my ten partners......
  19. well just an update on recent outings and a bit of bad news i'm affraid. Everything was going fine on the trips out, was getting the old chaps weight up slightly and the flying on the creance was perfect from 90ft out instant to the fist. Flying from low limbs of trees was going fine and then it all went pear shaped. Took him out on Monday and flew him free for about forty five minutes out of various trees and heights and he was following on fine in and around different fields. Got him home and i noticed one of his legs is slightly swollen and on checking under his anklet one of his scales h
  20. although you wouldn't do it i do believe its still legal to spear fish and maybe shoot them with the bow, maybe wrong though so don't go chewing me ears off...one of those silly things in life that you can still do but who would want to
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