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Everything posted by craftycarper

  1. What all us blokes need is a bloody urinal in the bathroom, i would be happy as larry...i do like peeing on them blocks
  2. I imagine you have one of your own face on yours to tell you the truth, when i flip my lid down, for some reason theres a A3 sized laminate of some green bird in pj's! You like that photo dont you oh yeah :tongue4:
  3. i always swear by a cheap filleting knife, nice long point and a razor sharp blade, good for getting all the meat off the bone as well. Can get them for well under a tenner, no good for the pocket mind you but ok to chuck in a bag. Get down to you local sea tackle shop and check em out...
  4. mate just had his vectra done after the chain snapped, did all the valves £1000 and i think that was cheap. Stick with regular changes on belts and chains just before the recomended mileage comes round and all should be well, but not even thats guaranteed...oh and by the way......also replace the tensioner as well
  5. I imagine you have one of your own face on yours to tell you the truth, when i flip my lid down, for some reason theres a A3 sized laminate of some green bird in pj's!
  6. best way to get rid of is to replace it with a headache.......bottle of scotch
  7. i see your talking shite again Kay
  8. strange, i thought it was the doggers that crept up behind you with the lights off and then gave you a flash. You a closet dogger Chrissie?
  9. always use this lady, very helpful & just down the road.... http://www.jansgifts.co.uk/
  10. these the ones with the red /claret lining
  11. surely don't that get a little boring day in day out.....i would have thought you needed a day off once in a while
  12. good on ya, i'm all for that...you know ...tea in the buff & stuff
  13. that's nice, try some auto sol or whatever its called. You could ask around for the silver anyone got one half of a set of earings or old chains etc. Collect it up over a few months and melt it down, i know someone who does it with gold presume you can do the same with silver
  14. my series 3 is £123, fully com, unlimited mileage with Footman and James purely as it is ex army and they specialise in this....apparently a tank would cost me the same....just ain't got the room for one .....yet!
  15. i thought the same...crickey are you hoping to get it for free
  16. it was gonna be edinburgh, but the other half weren't interested. So it's now a night indoors with a bottle of scotch in one hand and the way things are going...me knob in the other. Gonna book two seats and a nice b&b i know in edinburgh for the next new year and go on me own if she ain't interested
  17. they're brill...i'll dig some of mine out if you want a laugh & take the piss.....
  18. mines a simple other......the smoking ban
  19. have to agree with the poo picking as for my chickens, poor sods have been wallowing in 4 inches of mud once the frost thaws, all the bloody rain we have had over the last month. Tried everything, turning it over,spiking,hay/straw even a good layer of leaves was thrown down the other day...still ain't helped none . Nice looking mutt you have there, nice long legs..
  20. Knob Dalton more like..
  21. by the way frank...bumped into old dave the other day, aint seen him for over a year but he is still out and about and doing fine....
  22. I was out this morning with the harris again and could hear this barking coming from the woods, two deer bolted out in front of me and when i looked in i could see this little staff chasing a herd of about thirty deer round in circles..was quite funny he was having the time of his life.....sad thing was there was no sight of a owner...only person i could see was a blip on the the landscape in the distance...typicall of dog owners around here
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