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tricky dicky

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Everything posted by tricky dicky

  1. Cheers lads just wanted to make sure i was doing the best for my dogs as we all do, thanks for the sinulox offer Diggit i may well be in touch Best regards The Chimp
  2. Evening chaps-what is the recommended tretment for rat bites on my terriers?for some reason 1 of them prefers to chew them rather than shake & subsequently gets bitten up , all ive done previously is clean him up with saltwater dry it off & apply sudocreme--is this a suitable/sensible course of action? obviously if anything looks like its not healing i would use antibiotics but i try not to use them to regularly, i,ll be pleased to hear opinions on the matter The Chimp
  3. Alright Dale, A good mate of mine has one thats a year old which funnily enough caught its first lamped rabbit the other night-if it was 3inches bigger it would be a cracking lamping dog for rabbits hopefully as she grows&strengthens she will get a bit quicker-it fears nothing&is as tough as you like!! for a ferreting/bushing dog i reckon she should be a cracker but as for an out & out running dog she may just lack a bit-but they arent all her size i dont suppose, hope this helps Best regards The Chimp
  4. just a few from lincs Woodcock-Dykeowl lapwing--peewit hedgehog--prickyhotch wasps--jaspers woodlice--woodpigs worms--woggams
  5. These 5foot nets could well be the thing of the future if the 35lb vlaamse rabbits make an appearence!!!!!!! just attach them to a bit of 6x4!!!!
  6. Thanks for the views chaps i shall try to be a bit more flexible in future Happy Hunting
  7. Its nice to hear someone with respect for their quarry!! attitudes like that (BDF) are what get us all up shitcreek!! I was out the other day & came across a site which will stay with me for a long time-curled up at the side of a manure heap was a fox which had been shot on its nearside,front leg swinging & hind leg mangled & infected yet still the poor sod tried get up it was a heartbreaking site,needless to say i dealt with it & went away feeling sickened seriously contemplating giving up certificates-you can keep your guns-none of this with a dog/hound
  8. Afternoon all Surely THE best time to find evidence of the existance of these beasts is when it snows! An animal of that size would leave huge paddings behind & someone would surely see them? ive never heard of it-has anyone else?? In lincs there were apparent "regular" sitings yet when winter falls-nothing-it cant be cold enough for any type of hibernation&we only get a thimble full of snow--any ideas?
  9. Alright fellas What are folks thoughts about running your dogs when the moons up? I see from the forum that quite a few of you keep going,i personally have always not bothered through belief that im only educating quarry&frustrating my dog & myself included as im only a novice i shall be pleased to hear other view points & ideas,my dog is about ready to explode at the minute!!!!!! cheers the chimp
  10. Thats some mileage&some number of foxes [bANNED TEXT]-as with all dog matters i guess you get out what you put in! im relatively new to working lurchers&its nice to see&hear different views&methods Regards the chimp
  11. Looks a memorable night [bANNED TEXT],how many do u spot on a night out?you must be well foxed!were shot to shitrags round my way your lucky to see 3 in a night Regards the chimp
  12. Hi tagwag Evergreen building supplies are generally the cheapest in lincs i find & by some considerable margin worth a call [bANNED TEXT] Regards The chimp Ps forgot to say theyre in horncastle
  13. HELLS TEETH!!!!!!! I once shot a stoat out of a tree but f******hell thats big!! forgive me for sounding thick but do your hounds open up&speak on his line i assume so?if so i bet they sound good!
  14. Hugh F.W has some good recipes in river cottage cookbook fairly simple to,the stock/gravy made of the roasted carcasses is spot on!!!!!
  15. Nice looking pup there [bANNED TEXT] good luck with him--chimp
  16. Bad timing [bANNED TEXT]!!!!!!!!!! :realmad: shouldnt speak ill of the dead Banks was a wanker and deserves no more mention on a hunting site like this .BOLLOCKS TO BLAIR AND THE ***. AGREED [bANNED TEXT]! A 1ST CLASS T**T
  17. Bad timing [bANNED TEXT]!!!!!!!!!! :realmad: shouldnt speak ill of the dead
  18. Hi new to the site&this is my first post so itl probably read like a load of cobblers!!!!!!!this is a top thread on a top site,i personally believe the *** came about through many things ignorance&money being the predominant reasons.Ignorance on a grand scale from joe blogs which was partly our (hunting folk) fault for not realising sooner that we were under serious threat from blair&the rest of the tossers-we should have done more to educate where&when we could,the bill was brought about by the enourmous donations given by the "animal welfare?????"lobby to the labour party-th
  19. hi all! just registered after some inept computer probs on my behalf!!!!!!!my main interests are lurchers which im fairly new to,,i have a hancock bred 5/8 3/8 bitch which i picked up via a rescue&shes proving to be a goodun! ive had some great sport just recently with her&all being well we will be out tonight.Do a bit of ratting also with our varied collection of dogs-terriers,hounds etc.Look forward to talking to like minded folk-The chimp. :realmad: BOLLOCKS TO BLAIR! :realmad:
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