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Everything posted by parkstone

  1. as your bitch approches you back away from her giving her encouragement to keep coming this will encourage her to keep coming towards you with the dummy till she gets the idea of delivering it to hand.should take long for the penny to drop.
  2. of course theres cheating or at least favouratism by the judges towards mates and top faces but there were some bloody good dogs there that got placed or won on merrit as well. saw some very nice examples of whippets as well as the over sized greyhound type they seem to be producing these days for the ring
  3. were just about to set off for hound and terrier day, got a few freinds that are showing today.
  4. The bitch might be dominating him, try taking them out seperatly for a few times I think you'll find he then comes on very well.
  5. it can be done with hormon jabs/tablets, I know 2 people that had it done to their whippet bitchs, both went to proven stud dogs but neither produced a litter. not sure of the cost.
  6. Hi dog out of Supa blue ran well yesteday at the lure coursing, Darrens a nice genuine lad
  7. The East Anglia Whippet Country Cluyb held the Bob Blatch Meeting to find the top Lure Coursing Whippet, entry was by invitation only. This meeting used to be a live Coursing meeting run by the East Anglia Whippet Coursing Club but since the ban on Hare Coursing has been switched over the Lure Coursing. RESULTS, The Meeting was held on the grounds of the Sommerlayton Estate by kind permission of Lord, Lady & Hugh Sommerlayton, Andrea Barr has asked me to express thanks to Lord,Lady & Hugh Sommerlayton for their continuid support of the EAWCC and all their help in organisin
  8. just found this 1 of me & flash at an EAWCC coursing meeting
  9. Flash was a good dog, I was gutted to let him go but he just wasn't settled here. we bred him sold him at 8 week old and he came back to us at 9 months having been an only dog and havin g never been walked or even seen another dog since leaving us at 8 weeks old, and so he couldn't settle being back in a pack situation. I had him out with the ferrets & at night on the lamp and like I said we coursed him under rules with East Anglia WCC, he'd more than proved himself in the field day/night. i'm not realy a picture taker. Flash Lure Coursing.
  10. Ok lads, call me a tight arse but I think this battery packs a bit over priced LOL Battery Pack On E/bay
  11. Thanks Chester, glad your mate was happy with Flash as well as working day/night & racing he also coursed under rules winning a stake with EAWCC and making a final of another (from 3 stakes entered.) heres a few pics of Parkstoner Flashback, (all genuine preban pics) we've got 2 dogs available at stud but were in Lancs, Parkstone Take A Chance (Works day/night, Races, Lure Courses) Parkstone Buttons 20 1/2" 26lb. (lure courses, works) a dog I would recomend down your way is a dog called Whats behind the Mask . .................................
  12. not sure about the price of 23nd editions. i'd imagine the 2nd edition would have a lot lower value than the 1st edition.
  13. they started reprinti8ng it about 18 months - 2 year ago, you can get the reprint anyware for about £20 (WHSmiths, Amazon ect sometimes on Ebay) i've got a mint 1st edition in mint condition very nearly put it on e/bay 2 year ago as ex library copies with stamps damage ect were bringing between £200-£275. wish I had now cos I could of bought a repring and been quids in. heres a few on amazon, including a 1st edition The English Whippet Dont bother buying the Moran-Healy book on whippets it's crap, The shirley rawlings 1's ok
  14. Yep great book wrote by people who actualy coursed/worked their dogs as well as showing/racing. unfortunatly a lot of whippet books have the same rubbish in them but this 1 has always stood out, before the reprint 1st editions of this book in good condition where changing hands for more than £250
  15. we got sick of eating the crap they sell in supermarkets/butchers all the off cuts and chemicly reclaimed stuff that includes ears, snoiuts, penises, anuses ect ect (sounds like something out of i'm a celebrity?) anyway wanting good quality sausages that we knew what was in them meant we went down the route of makling our own. here are a few pics of our home made pork & Pork/beef, nothing better than being able to enjoy without worrying about hard bits and wondering what it is? making pork sausage. pork/beef
  16. Why would they go to the trouble of finding good fighters when they can promote pretenders and still fill venues to bursting?. Whats happened to british boxing there must still be fighters like the quality of Ben, Eubank, Mc'guigan ect out there?.
  17. Hi mate, People have asked about this name before?. i've been involved with whippets 15 years and only recently heard about them due to someone on this site and another site asking about them (asking if anyone knew them). they have a litter advertised on epupz but thats about all i've ever seen/heard of them with racing/lure coursing/working you hear see most lines but i've never come across 1 with that name so can't offer any usefull information..
  18. repatriation/deportation sounds better.
  19. Cheers Mark (but I still aint buying the drinks )
  20. Typicle! the only thing stopping you organising 1 is you, get 1 sorted advertise it then we'll all come on and slag it off?. those that can do! those that can't write crap on the internet when otheres try to organise anything. Come on Blando you critisised our plans get one sorted! so show us how it should be done.
  21. Ok then in that case I wont ask you to buy the drinks
  22. I think i'd have more success asking Stevie Wonder to read me the newspaper. Hi Samba, yep I cut my teath on lurchers & terriers from the age of about 12, from the age of 13 I vertualy lived on an allotment for 2 years ferreting everyday & lamping most nights (the truancy officer was never away from my house) at 16 I moved into greyhound racing (but still worked dogs) I spent 16 years greyhound racing then moved into whippets. I did look into the non ped side of racing and even bought well bred non ped pup but unfortunatly the day after buying it she had to be PTS due to no
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