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Everything posted by CUBE

  1. As the title says, second hand dog box for sale, c.2 years old, decent condition, locks and hinges in good working order. Pls see manufacturers website (www.transk9.com) for full list of applicable vehicles - we bought ours for previous vehicle Honda CRV 2006 model. Collection only. Images to follow. £150
  2. Remington 700 SPS for sale including, PES moderator, Harris swivel bi-pod and PES moderator. Only 140 shots fired, good condition, solid carry box inlcuded. Photos to follow (if I can work out how!!). PM me if interested please. Cheers
  3. Its in black. Cheers
  4. Sorry chief - forgot that part. Based in Ayr, SW Scotland. Cheers
  5. For sale, one Solway Recycling Deluxe Eco Dog Kennel with run and sliding door. In very good condition, only bought at the start of the year. Reason for sale is that we bought three for three dogs, but only really need two. Photobucket pics to follow - for full details go to http://www.solwayrecycling.co.uk/recycled-shop/products/323/Dog-Kennels Price is c.£150 collection only. Cheers CUBE
  6. CUBE

    Just a quick poll

    Voted and still 52%...
  7. Help…I have been trying to rid my mother’s garden of magpies as they have managed to decimate the entire small bird / songbird population. I have tried various traps (top opening, side opening, top & side) together with a variety of baits (dogfood, catfood, eggs, offal, golf balls, shiny shit etc) as well as a number of call birds….but all the fuckers do is dance around the trap and on top of the trap but NEVER into the trap….that’s a lie, we had one crow in the trap but my old man let it go cause he thought we were just after the magpies – DON’T ASK!!!! Any further t
  8. Apologies - Ayr, south west scotland.
  9. Can anyone recommened any trustworthy comapnies who manufacture, deliver & install kennels & runs. I think I read a previous topic about a kennel company whom had gone tits ups taking cutsomers funds with it and obviously want to avoid this. Many thanks CUBE
  10. CUBE


    Insurance broker - love it. Great hours, good money, good propects, good for family...cant ask for much more really.
  11. Scotland were a disgrace and so is Hadden. He left out some of the in form players, picked a guy who trained well (Webster) but who f*cking knocked himself out cause he doesnt know how to tackle. Glasgow are the better of the two home regions yet the Edinburgh players seem to get the nod. Godman is Gash, Jacobsen belongs in a pub..........Hadden needs to get some nuts and field the younger guys otherwise when the current crop of players retire we'll find ourselves in the same shit hole we are currently in. Godman couldnt kick his way out a soggy paper bag...Pish, Pish, Pish... The only thi
  12. i think i have spotted a flaw in you plans........ Haha Mattydski, not so!! FAC & SGC & Insurance exams etc are purely for me so lets forget them. However, if I manage to drink less and lose some wieght, refloor the house and sort out the hall I think my luck might be in!! The vasectomy merely takes the worry of another sprog out of the equation!! Not as random as it seems....oh, and the dogs - it'll never happen....they'll just be f*ckwits like the owner for the rest of their lives. Merry f*cking Christmas everbody.
  13. Not too much.... Get a Vasectomy, attain FAC & SGC, pass DSC 1 & maybe 2, pass some of my Insurance exams, strip plaster and paint the hall, refloor the house, train all three of my dogs and my 2 kids, try to train my wife, drink less or not at all, lose 5 stone, swear less in front of the kids, have more sex!!!
  14. Sutherland, north west Scotland, just north of Lochinver. Long drive to get their but it has to be the most stunning place in the world, and then there's the stalking which is, how can I put it, absolutely feckin unbelievable!! Oh, and they love their drink too which is fine by me!!!!
  15. Better a knife in the back from someone you know than a cock in the bum from someone you dont!!
  16. Has anybody used TransK9 , based down itowards Castle Douglas in Dumfires & Galloway, for supply of kennels, bunks, cabins etc with regards to service etc,. I've met a couple of chaps who rate their dog boxes for the back of their buggies pretty well. Comments welcome. Ta
  17. Sesh on NY eve and then getting into red hinds on the 1st over 21000 acres of land...for free!!
  18. A small point, maybe, and I may be missing something, but I have just got my January 2009 issue of Sporting Shooter and Countrywide Kennels are still advertising in it, 50% off for the Sporting Shooter readers who order in December??
  19. Right Festive season is here, hangover cures please other than hare of the dog!! I had my first xmas bash last nite and whilst it was fun I feel shite. :sick:
  20. Jim I roll on, thrust twice, squirt once, roll off and make my way to the kitchen for more haute cuisine!! You did ask...
  21. Roybo First stop, have a wee peak at the various threads under the Hunting, Clothing forum and you'll find plenty of advice, comments in respect of this. I too am loooking for a similar type of jacket, waterproof, hardwearing, principally for beating and laterally for highland stalikng and I am edging towards a Seeland or a Musto.. I have a Seeland Balmoral which is not ideal for what you are looking for but I am impressed by the quality, warmth and level of water repellent...a number of my beating and picking friends recommend duck dri (http://www.duckdri.co.uk/welcome2.html) and I th
  22. I am thinking of joining my local small bore club - better than Eastenders!! They have told me I need a letter from a nominated individual confirming that they will sponsor me?? I assume when they say sponsor they mean vouch for my good character?? Also, does anyone have a similar letter wording?? Cheers CUBE
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