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Everything posted by ferretgirl29

  1. So would you say cut the minced chicken out or down and maybe change the dog food or just try cutting the chicken out
  2. Any one have much knowledge on possibly rickets in a pup So I got 2 pups from the same litter fed them gain puppy and minced chicken tea time Mornings were gain puppy with lambs milk powder 6 days in to this 1 pup had a noticeable bent left leg toes bent in over. Bit ov google seems as I'm giving too much calcium so stopped the lambs milk pups leg straighten up after 3 days So I bought some propper calcium powder 4 days in leg starts to bend out again stop powder in days her leg is good My issue is her sister who's is fine and no issues has a mental 15mins fl
  3. Mk1 deben style ferret finders sales On Facebook he has vids of them
  4. Same here decent bred ones hard to come by
  5. Hi what mk is this locator I know it says mk3 but all the ones iv seen in mk 3 are orange with the magnetic collars What mk are these collars is this set up ok
  6. Hmmmm who knows eh that's the thing excited boys never know what gender they could be chatting to ??
  7. Any way how do you shut this post down as it just full of f**k tards
  8. Not sure we boy every time I hit the reply his name there you feel left out like
  9. Half of you lot can't even spell even with spell check lol Well one thing for sure I got a few response to my post even if it's of desparados
  10. You wouldn't know what to do with a good bit of fluff Degrading lump of shits a bet you single any way playing with your scruffy nuts by your self lol
  11. You probs couldn't handle a good bit of space cake cos you that immature
  12. Its a clear these boys got a bit excited the thought of a female one her now you have well f****d this post up so thanks for that now try to grow up you spanners
  13. That's fine I was just putting it out there to se if any one knows of any up coming litters
  14. Thanks bill Ketchum a bet your penis is as small as your brain clear got nowt else to do with your life
  15. Long time for a we idiot like you now jog on please and leave this post to what I asked about good bye
  16. A didn't say I wanted it now I asked for future breeding idiot you will get a cake thrown at you
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