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Everything posted by ferretgirl29

  1. Thanks for that it just for carrying all the ferreting gear and a passenger on grass fields or up the moors
  2. Robert meek he travels up the country every few weeks not sure how far but he comes up to the north east Find him on Facebook
  3. Yer I want 1 for that reason carting all my gear up the hills Now that is a stunning walking Stick that is lovely
  4. And mine wouldn't really take to the dummy she would never really retrieve it to me bit rabbits she retrieve them so can't complain
  5. Good solid dog taffey they are bang on mooching dogs like you say come September they be different again This a brother shay's sons Oh and in your last pics do you have a quad just I'm thinking of getting one for this year what type is yours
  6. My cattle dog 8 weeks to 12 months couldn't ov asked for a better dog Obedient clever and happy to please roll on the winter
  7. What would that be as I'm going to build some in the future cheers
  8. Nice setup there is there anything you would do differently or is it just right for you
  9. Hi yes on some other sites I have asked most have said honda trx 420 Sure I read somewhere that a single shocker wasn't the best when you get a bit of weight on the quad but can't be that bad if it's been recommended thanks
  10. I have asked there aswell and no response of anyone
  11. Not sure if this is the best section to ask but here goes I do quite a bit ferreting so I'm going to invest in a quad for the upcoming season I know nowt about quads and there is a lot to choose from can yous give me some ideas to look for Make Manual transmission or automatic 4X4 system Manual or automatic selection Looking to spend up to 2.5k quads look strong money at the min thanks for Any help
  12. I do quite a bit ferreting so I'm going to invest in a quad for the upcoming season I know nowt about quads and there is a lot to choose from can yous give me some ideas to look for Make Manual transmission or automatic 4X4 system Manual or automatic selection Looking to spend up to 2.5k quads look strong money at the min thanks for Any help
  13. She has bags of drive and listens so will try and work on her over the summer months
  14. How would you implement that as my bitch like a steam train when they hit the net so does she at 100mph I'm hopeful she would grow out of that but I'm open to ideas how to slow her down
  15. My bitch has been sound with her mouth very soft but lately have noticed on the last couple of outing she is getting slightly harder mouthed on the rabbit.
  16. My bitch has been sound with her mouth very soft but lately have noticed on the last couple of outing she is getting slightly harder mouthed on the rabbit.
  17. He looks like he means business there looks well
  18. Good luck for today We've been lucky uo here this year for rabbits please plenty about She is coming in to season now she getting fruity with my other bitch lol
  19. good day ferreting with a different group of lads they all commented on how alert and switched on she is she done well today
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