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Everything posted by arnieboy

  1. is this prick for real why hasnt this thread been pulled??
  2. anyway getting back to carraghs gem being bi
  3. escort mark 1 rs and mark 2 rs or vauxhall firenza 1800 for me
  4. you need to pm old trap collector off here mate he can help you
  5. foooooooook hair back there kay
  6. some kind of operation from a animal rescue group???
  7. good luck with the venture mate hope it all works out for you
  8. i was sooooooooooooooooo scared or him what a really hard man :whistling:
  9. killgerm in osset mate use 2mm bird straining wire and your laughing ferruls avaliable from there too
  10. There always crying poverty, they claim all kinds of subsidy payments from the goverment and that money comes from us the people that pay tax! Don't feel sorry for them one bit! Let them sell one of there 4x4's or an empty house they have just siting there! with that attitude bet you have loads of permission
  11. only avaliable from killgerm mate about 8quid each
  12. get yourself some traplines mate you wont use any others after that
  13. name='lady hunter' timestamp='1313218099' post='2191198'] 2x live catch fox traps £. 1x larson trap £30 ,all traps metal construction only collection only from south yorkshire. phone 07886640443 is that £ the pair if yes i will have them
  14. were abouts are you mate am only in barnsley
  15. are you not commiting an offence buy letting the gun out of your control in the pub?? even if its under lock and key you arnt in control of the gun
  16. mouse droppings dont turn to powder when you rub it in your fingers also if you take notice you can see parts of the insects that the bat has eaten
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