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Everything posted by arnieboy

  1. 2 dogs in 2 dogs out end of no excuses
  2. collecting old traps (if anyone has any let me know )
  3. havent bought it for years now. it was shite then and hasnt got any better
  4. yep the rodenator can only be used to collapse EMPTY ! warrens its illegal to use it if the warrens havent been cleared 1st!!
  5. hip hip hurray should fill the plane up with a few more parasites
  6. me and 26 guests reading this wonder who they are????????/
  7. unbeliveable how the feck didnt the unwashed scumbags not get arrested?????
  8. 'joewickedfire' Snaring of all animals should be banned as it is not always the intended specious that end up in them and also it is cruel. I have heard of dogs and cats ending up in them and would love to snare one of these scum bags that use them so I can watch them suffer great pain like the poor animal has to suffer. I would also like to add that I am against all blood sports including shooting and fishing and wish you people could find something else to do with your pathetic lives. get a life you sad person what the fcuk you doing on here with views like that
  9. well thats done it im packing in monday
  10. few months ago i was doing fine but sinse the dry weather and dry ground iv struggled to catch them. the worms go deeper in the dry so the moles follow mate
  11. the countrys going down the shitter so all this crap takes the peoples minds off the real situation the government get a break and people think there great for it ??? ring any bells oh yeah argentina in 1982 only they started a war to cover there incomputance but its working
  12. if you had according to pete and shicronised then yes they did mate
  13. bromabaits good stuff mate how much you paid for the snappers?
  14. there good as said before when you need the safety aspect eg kids or pets i use them regularly and they work
  15. another waste of skin that topped herself
  16. Did you catch Anything yet??? Poison has been down for a few days but still hearing the odd 'scuttle'. Am sleeping downstairs for a few more days and then will have a look FFS thats been ages.....why dont you contact Earth&Hounds of here. He is the daddy pest controller and he would have had that rat problem fixed in an hour, i think his rate was £15 quid for that super service........ :D Got the fecker that doesnt look two well
  17. £4000 and end up dead???????? er no thanks
  18. 'andy p' There's some vids on YouTube on how to set the trapline traps I've got 2 as the supposed to be more affective in pairs but I've never caught anything in them traplines are easy to use and very sucessfull mate if you arnt catching your not trying
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