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Everything posted by arnieboy

  1. yep i no but i cant get it to work can you link it thanks
  2. has anyone got a copy off this on dvd that they dont want or want to get rid of thanks
  3. what a insight you have thanks now were to get some fcuk dat??????
  4. theres a big muslim graveyard in bradfordistan eye for an eye and all that? as i said earlier, no matter what or who, anything like that is just plain wrong yes it is mate i didnt say do it i just said that it would cause a shit storm here they should withdraw all financal aid to them asap as a protest
  5. theres a big muslim graveyard in bradfordistan eye for an eye and all that? but just think of the shit that would kick off with the gratefull people of the muslim faith
  6. thats not on mate hope you catch the robbing b*****ds ive had a lot of traps nicked and damaged before and have caught 1 culprit redhanded needless to say the payed me more than the agreed fee
  7. not far from here and thats the first ive heard of it he should be hung the b*****d
  8. tell them its also illegal then report them
  9. Hi arnie just wondering were I can get some trapline mole traps and do you know how much it is for 4 traps Thanks Tom hi mate traplines are only avaliable from steve direct or killgerm who are the uks sole supliers think they are about 6.50 or 7 quid each
  10. try fourteenacre off here mate they will see you right well done on the moles
  11. what sort is the kit mat pm me details
  12. as above want to swap a deben 15 locator and collar for a lightfoce lamp and deben belt pack battery might put 2 collars in if its right deal
  13. as above want to swap a deben 15 locator and collar for a lightfoce lamp and deben belt pack battery might put 2 collars in if its right deal
  14. i use them all the time and i havent had any problems with them there more discreet than the duffus type so not as nickable although i have had a few nicked because the ground i do is open to the public
  15. i have a deben mark one 15 footer and maybe 2 collars if your intrested mate
  16. ARSEPCA and police raided him mate. The scumbags dont even have to pay for it the taxpayers coped for it again disband the b*****ds and quick
  17. I realized fear one morning when the blare of the fox hunters sound when they are chasing the poor bloody fox its safer to be dressed as a hound
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