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Everything posted by arnieboy

  1. he chose to inject the sh1t that killed him no one forced him waste of skin in my opinion worlds beter without his kind
  2. bait blockes with holes in wired to the areas the rats are in inside some type of locable bait station or place the traps on the runs in the loft and staple them in place so when they trip they just hang there not on the floor
  3. if you have done time inside less than 3 years i think you can apply but you have to tell them every offence and have permission anything above 3 years your barred for life
  4. do you get a trial with that?????? or a swap for a sack of cardboard???
  5. The dirty muslim b*****ds sell ale and pork in there own shops and that dosnt bother the vermin. Ffs just sack them and employ people who want to do the job of WORK they applied for simples
  6. simple solution to this is stop giveing money to other countries and stop paying illegal immigrants money problem solved. PUT BRITIAN 1st !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. what cards you got and do you have the speaker or is it just the caller thanks
  8. i charge them out at a tenner per trap damaged or nicked
  9. ive got around 50 and catch more or less every time mate
  10. let us no how you get on mate theres some real b*****ds out there
  11. if carlsberg did resignations
  12. ive had the same situation mate the women was obssesed with a noise in her house i eventually walked away mate
  13. we have them around here i have one in the kitchen as i post
  14. the old 3x2 with nails routine again ehh
  15. voted for number 7 but if theres a pic of lurchergirl suckling it gets my vote
  16. they are the magnums mate yes they can be set in more akward places than the fenns on the h irons is idea just clip them to the steelwork so you dont lose them
  17. get some bodygrips mate and set them around the edges of the walls get them as there running around before they get on the grain set them every few feet as the just move round them if you catch in one
  18. how to win friends and influence people ????? transgender and scum am sure my parents will love this
  19. a bullet would have been cheaper mr cameron
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