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Everything posted by arnieboy

  1. arnieboy


    beautiful creatures but there teeth are sharp
  2. With a webley vulcan, . . . . . . . . no less It was a potato gun prototype Admin and mods were also responsible for the sinking of the Titanic and the shrinking of the polar ice caps............... bet it was you who started the fire of london as well this is a exellent site people have only them selfs to blame if you give the scum amunittion THINK ONCE THINK TWICE as the ad went
  3. thats not good mate as a driver too i no what your feeling good look with it hope you get it resolved ok
  4. arnieboy


    two eggs are boiling in the pan one says"ive got a massive crack !!" the other replies "will you stop teasing me, i'm not f**kin hard yet"
  5. spiderpig how many blocks did you use as am wanting to build some cheers
  6. arnieboy

    B & Q

    bird in there asked me if i wanted bedding .me being me did . IN COURT TOMMOROW!
  7. [bANNED TEXT] about lifes a b*****d then you marry one ,or shes as thick as a submarines window
  8. hi mate we had the same problem and it turned out too be the wires inside the handle touching together as for fuses get them from a car audio suppliers Oreyt mate thanks for the reply what do you mean the wire in the handle cos there int no wires goin thru the handle on mine also ar did u sort it art mate. Cheers mexlad we found that constant twisting around touched the wires on the switch together and fused it take the handle apart and av a look the wires must run up into the switch got 50 quick blow fuses from a car audio supplier lots cheaper than from local lamp shop
  9. hi mate we had the same problem and it turned out too be the wires inside the handle touching together as for fuses get them from a car audio suppliers
  10. it probabley is in deliverance land cue the duelin banjos
  11. very probably its not there money after all . how can they denie a quick clean kill ??
  12. just wonder what the anti infiltraters on here think about this thread do they think that the foxes were dealt with correctly or not
  13. arnieboy

    Best 3 films

    cant just pick 3 but itallion job , good bad and ugly , the eagle has landed, scum ,rita sue and bob 2,layer cake, snatch ,and essex boys must be in top 3
  14. arnieboy


    no mate do it to the most horrible bast**d you av to deal with each day love to see there faces if you did lol
  15. arnieboy


    topper mate just wondered av you got a black hat if so next time sum c**t you deal with looks like gettin off with it get the hat on and say you will be taken from here to a place of exicution might make you feel a bit better when they sh*t them selfs lol
  16. is that were the ladys forget to feel there breasts as ad help
  17. Been there,done that......and they dont have to be fit i'm not fussy lol not being fussy sounds a little desperate your stunning two labadoodle
  18. :tongue4: you lucky man got to say gary mate shes stunning
  19. Just another lad messing up a thread, and a good one too! For me, its nice to see our British breeds/strains of terriers doing a good job for you over in the states Im going to ask a couple of questions if thats ok, just as im curious.... Are those badgers found 'to ground', if so, do they dig huge deep setts like our own badgers? What size do they make? Cheers BC, thanks for sharing the pics...........those porkies look a real nightmare! DnN I DONT REALLY GIVE 2 WHAT U THINK IF IT WAS MY DOG I WOULD BE MORE WORRIED ABOUT SORTING HER OUT RATHER THAN TAKING PICS they
  20. ian from barnsley have you heard the 'barnsley lad' song ian? yeah its me dad that sang it lol is it? lmao no mate its really me sister she went out 1st round of x factor singing it
  21. ian from barnsley have you heard the 'barnsley lad' song ian? yeah its me dad that sang it lol
  22. yes mate it worked a1 cheers unfortunately there was nothing at home all flooded
  23. any pics? phone number mate they have pics cheers will
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