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Everything posted by arnieboy

  1. it appears this robbing bast**d has done this before as steff on moochers does anybody no this thief personaly as he has been given till friday the 17th to return the cash or it goes to a debt recovery firm as the are happy to proceed on his admition that he recived the cash so could you please inform the bast**d that it will be at his cost
  2. glad you got your problem sorted mate and good to here there are some gents on here {have dealt with a few myself} BUT THERE ARE SOME THIEFS ON HERE TERRIERS TO NAME ONE!!!!
  3. all that just to count bats???????? fcuk me am in the wrong job 2000 youve got 2000 gis the money
  4. thanks hound i have passed it on to a firm of debt collecters they are local to me and are sorting it so hopefully this thief will see sense and pay up before it costs him more
  5. true gent only kill when nesscasery bees are getting a hard time at minute nice one mate
  6. ud kill em 24/7 you jeppi your a machine
  7. still no book terriers you a thief then??????????????????????????
  8. breaking trough by johnny bluck mate
  9. how do you no if the have good reputations??????? why would you think people are thiefs straight away if that happened no one would sell anything. TERRIERS STILL NO EXPLANATION OR BOOK ARE YOU A THEIF ????????????????????????? play the game send the book or the cash back the adress that you say you cant find is on the letter you should have recived buy now with the same challenge you thief proof or return of cash
  10. can the mods put some pressure on people like this with the threat of being banned if they dont prvide a explination just to weed out the dishonest people if they are genuine they surely will want to provide one just to clear there names ?????? or is this not possible
  11. you had the dog put down???????????????????????????????
  12. what else can he be doin he claimed it was recived (the money) then failed to provide the tracking code (his suggestion) then went quite when pm'd as to were the book was then he claimed it had been delivered but couldnt give me the adress were THE BOYS A THEIF SIMPLE AS i have pm'd him hes ignored them even though hes been on and looked at my profile {the cheeky t**t}i have given him my mobile number what else is he???????????????????????
  13. STILL NO BOOK TERRIERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! still no proof of postage and still no phone call or come to that no explination by pm or on this thread WHY??????????????
  14. arnieboy


    youve been on today terriers why havent you pmd me or phoned me or are you a thief thats quite happy to let everyone on here think you are??????????stop fcuking about and send the cash back
  15. so you are a thief then terriers youve been on today at 4 0 clock and not replied here or by pm terriers your A THIEF ! send the £30 back you robbing bas**rd
  16. no mate still no luck TERRIERS seems to have gone off line hes not been on since the 27th stephen watters 37 craigbog ave , johnstone, renfrewshire. PA5 oLS why have you not replied to this or posted the book ?????????????
  17. cant you get petrol down inside them then ignite it
  18. surly though if you cant trust other members who can you trust bought lots of stuff of members only had this problem
  19. arnieboy


    still no book are you just a thief terriers ???????? why havent you pm'd me or phoned me ????? also does anyone else have a copy of this book for sale as it looks like terriers is planning on ignoreing me
  20. yes mate 10 quid from glynn jones
  21. this member has had every oppertunatey to reply mate i have pm'd him almost everyday given him my phone number spoke to the post and still no reply to explain himself i think hes just a thief i have asked him to explain in public or private he chooses to stay off line what more can i do????????? are you a thief terrier s?????????????????????????????
  22. why ban sales ? just beacause off 1 or 2 . I have bought stuff of genuine people why spoil a good thing for the HONEST popeople ???????? terrier s you going to prove your 1 of the honest people on here ??????????????????????????????????????????? as i dont think that you will
  23. still no book TERRIER S when are you supposed to have posted the 1st one and the 2nd one ?? assuming you have posted them its now a month
  24. thanks everyone just want the book thats all not too much to ask
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