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Everything posted by arnieboy

  1. cracking animal mate good luck with her
  2. The rother valley working terrier club his a good rescue club to be in for ten pounds a year.plenty of lads allways willing to help very true mate . but what about being able to get on here and geting some willing voluenteers aswell ?
  3. noone knows you no offence but you could be a young female
  4. could do with a group on here that are willing to turn out like the fell and moorland thls own rescue service? put on profile if willing to turn out and how far away youd travel might be handy just a idea
  5. lucky find there mate
  6. they all think because there famous they are above the law the arrogant pricks waste of money they should make them play for 350 a week then watch how many stay :sick:
  7. read it tiday in the paper i would have kicked off big time if that had happened to any of mine . how dare the black enamalled b*****d open his mouth hes there to take money not open his gob
  8. being christian without due care and attention lol
  9. everybody with some sense mate there the ones that use posts a evidence AGAINST USE
  10. as there will not be any shit you can apply for set aside , more money hurray
  11. put me down for some of that im off to not build my stys now and phoned 2 suppliers for no pigs money here i come . ps were do i put all the s??t ? answers on a postcard
  12. 5MINS???????? am not doin it twice So im guessing the egg would still be snotty if you were too time it! no it would be very hard boiled theres other things to do before hand lol
  13. evil scummy b*****ds hope you drop on them mate and teach them the error of there ways ps were you insured or do you bare the cost???
  14. nice one swag if that bitch doesnt calm down you can send her up to barnsley lol
  15. 5MINS???????? am not doin it twice
  16. as stated above it was a public attack on nick bnp for me
  17. the b*****d wants handcuffing to a billy goat the peddaling get
  18. arnieboy


    I ment a delete button as well So we can both give him one..... do you need a cameraman lol now what sort of women do you take us for!!! just offering my services incase you need them lol altough if you were that kind of women the pictures might be a bit shakey
  19. arnieboy


    I ment a delete button as well So we can both give him one..... do you need a cameraman lol
  20. some of the numbers only tell you if they are stolen or write offs NOT IF THEY ARE ON FINANCE !!!!!! watch out ask as if they are and you buy it it CAN still be repossesed buy the finance company wouldnt want to meet any members on here in that situation
  21. are you her agent mate ive around 20 that need knocking in
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