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Everything posted by timmmy

  1. Best thing ive read on here in ages
  2. Anyone got a link yet??
  3. Honour amongst thevies isnt it chid lol
  4. Thanks for that, had a few dogs and never seen this before, shes happy in herself so ill just keep an eye on her
  5. LOL there no clean way to put this, ive just been out to the dogs and noticed my 9 month old pup has what i can only describe as cum stringly dangling out of her fanny. Shes 9 month old and not had a season yet. No male dogs could gain access so im wondering what this could be? Any ideas?
  6. This boy is a "little butch" I went lamping with him and on the way home he was trying to feel my leg :| beware!!!

  7. My mate told me about this happening in wales the other night on the way lamping ( you know as you do to put a bit of spokeyness into the night) then a few days later i heard they had been spoted in merseyide, im locking my bed room door tonight
  8. 3/4 bull fullhound all that bull makes it a whole dog plus another 3/4s lol
  9. timmmy


    I was always under the impression cheetahs were solitary animals?
  10. Whats his name and address im sure someone would like to pay his land a visit
  11. Supposed to be any good??? Yes!
  12. Stop stealing my thread Only messing .. you can get kidulthood up on the internet but dont know the link
  13. Anyone got any links to adulthood the movie on the internet ??
  14. See what you've started mackem .. again
  15. Where did my thread about what can happen if the police catch you with people in the back of the van? To both driver and people i nthe back? No one answer it as far as im aware why was it deleted
  16. Could be, his dad picked it up for him as a suprise and told him its from manchester, but your dog is the spit off his, same age etc, and he is from huyton so could be very likly his dad didnt want him to be noseying about Where you find that mixy mate, been looking for a few for my pup to get her confidence up
  17. Looks like my mates pup that same build, size age etc hes in liverpool too
  18. Spot on, too many people running around the wrong dog which they cannot control and deal with, kenneling these dogs is one thing but when you take them into a family area you asking for trouble. ( not just bullys but all types) Everyone knows what job bull xs are bred for, so why would you want one in a family scenario, where you going to be taking a smashed up dog? Like someone else has already said, alot of working dog having there urges suppressed are bound to think f**k it etc. So you will be either not be working the dog to the full or will have a smashed up dog inside the house,
  19. timmmy


    http://www.berro.com/joke/bestGCSEanswers.htm Not laughed so much in ages
  20. Plod get on my f*****g tits, if there was none on the road it would be a much safer place, pulling me on the side of roads, motorways and for stupid reason like your back light has gone heres a £30 fine how the f**k am i suppose to see behind me and here a £60 and 3 point for doing 20 in a 30 at 6 am with no other cars on the road so we will say you was doing 42 becuase of somthing one of your passengers done last year. Or even better were pulling you for been 17 and because your young it means your upto no good. Dogs in the boot is animal cruelt wtf. If i had them on the seats it would be
  21. takes one to know one
  22. Atleast you didnt have shorts on
  23. ANY RAFFLE PRIZES OR DONATIONS VERY WELCOME COME ALONG AND HELP PRESERVE TRADITION. KIPO. How much is admission? Any stalls/how many about and what sort of crowd is expected to attend?
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