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Everything posted by timmmy

  1. As long as it keeps you away from them poor old sheep
  2. Whats the point in this thread? An arguement? No such things as right and wrong in the law of nature. Your not going to change anyone who goes out in the summer so what is the point?
  3. timmmy


    Dont be changed by what others think, otherwise you'll never get what you want
  4. threbb has got an argument to pick with that? Must be getting ready for bed
  5. Who reckons it will get to 10 pages by 12AM? I do
  6. Its a shame but there plenty more like you and embarassing to think people all round the world see this site.It was your sort I was trying to draw out on this issue.It took a while because it was getting confused with control, but here you are at last for all to see BRAGGING about killing youngsters because its easy for your dogs and you.Dont bother trying to make it a joke either.Its folks like you that get the lurcher a bad name.Then again I dont suppose its your fault you must feel inadequate and lack the confidence to do it right. Mate you need to get out more, you vegaterian sprin
  7. Went out last night with the lamp only lamped 4 fields and got 9 hares with 3 dogs loose, in stone walled fields and we stood in the gateways to ensure they litter critters didnt have anyway to escape. Easy as pie
  8. Is that the same dog what came flying at me when i come down for a collar SS? I could of swore it was a white stafford ... oh well nearly 18 now, must be the age getting to me :oops: Good look with the missus and keeping the dog
  9. i've tried to hold off, but its just got too much............. i've got numpties i have to work with, that give me shit all the time about hunting, cos they're veggies and anti hunting meat eaters, and they dont even put up as much resistance as threbb............ set the fuckers up . .get them all sacked lol
  10. Can't believe so many people have took the bait .. must be the heat .. round of appluse for thrreb
  11. she will pick live ones up .. give it a shake and spit it back out dead .. other types will be retrieved live
  12. Well as it states above, my lurcher pup will retrieve most birds pigeons, doves pheso etc and obviously runnable game too but is dubious when it comes 2 picking dead covids up. She will if pushed but does have to think about it, anyone had this problem with their dog?
  13. timmmy

    info please

    go to a taxidermist or if you want to do it yourself look on youtube bound to be a video on there
  14. For an idiot you dont alf come out with some funny stuff
  15. And whats that? Shows? put it this way if she was mine she wouldnt be for sale and as for the shows comment :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: You dont get proper working bull x's going to shows to win them. Unless its a fool holding the lead who wants to be caught... the lads just said they was good show and working dogs, so is the breeder a fool?
  16. Pre-ban hunting 2004 .. the use of dogs to draw was still illigal becuase its classed as baiting. I dont think there was any people born, who are here today, before that baiting laws came into place
  17. Anyone got a copy of Hounds terriers and running dogs 2 and 3 they can do a copy off? PM me
  18. How use get on? I had a go of the shottys and the bow and arrows and had a laugh at some of the people showing there dogs Too small though got round the whole thing in 10 minutes .. the hounds were good and that eagle fecking off
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