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Posts posted by Dan_Jones

  1. recently my dog has started chewing himself all over and scratching alot .. ive used every flew spray and bathing shampoo money can by ive flead the hole house but still he is doing it. my mam seems to thing he has a skin condition of some sort and recntly i have found a bald patch on his side with it red and purple under neath :( does anyone know whats up with him? hes going to see me aunty who is a vet tomorrow but i know shell just says hes got fleas where as im starting to believe its more then that now .. :good :

  2. thing yas might be right with lino like never realli thought of it ... and ano had couple down my alotment last year and the were digging a secret tunnel out of there run under the grass little buggers lol .. and as for the flags wudnt be to keen putting then on the little hil or digging the hill out lol

  3. yer there will be loads as the young rabbit are starting to live life near enuff for them selves now so they are willing to come out into the open .. during the spring i hardly seen any now they are back in force :D

  4. cheers for the replys and hes near enuff 14 or 15 month old and just when hes coming up to around 18 or 19 month theres a lovely bitch close to me in heat then sooo hell be with her they look exacly the same part from shes wirey curls nd hes wirey straight.... so i take pick of the litter and he/she probs end up on here :good:

  5. lmao .. bit odd seeing a working dog trying to breed with its quarry lol ... i guess your right best thing to do is leave him at home ..


    naw, thats the bitch!!!! :icon_redface:

    i think as it dont run, she wont chase it?

    but a bitch trying to mate a buck :whistling:

    orrr yeah .. i never thought bout it been a bitch lol hmmm bit odd although my girlfriend bitch king charles trys it with her hedgehog teddy ...lol they must be gagging for it :o:whistling::angel:

  6. orrr when you go on add reply yal see a little white bar down the right hand side sayin browse and upload ... click browse then find the pic you want putting up then double click on it then click upload ... if it says your image is to big go to paint and make the size smaller when thats uploaded just type your normal message in the normal box and click add reply as if it was a normal message :victory::thumbs:

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