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Gun Dealer's and Fieldsports Shop's
Reloading Room
Everything posted by greasemonkey
just voted in favour of fox hunting.still 50%for and 50% against...greasemonkey
hi yes, i got my stuff from clay and game reloaders [they are on the internet] if you are only going to reload a few all you need is a crimp or roll turnover tool and some wads and primers hodgens" lil gun" is a good powder if you can get it .case resizing is not required if you are only going to fire them in the same gun,chap who runs this company is a nice helpful chap and will give you a few tips if you speak to him nicely..hope this helps...greasemonkey
hi, if you go for the CZ you wont regret it ,you can spend twice the money ,but you wont get twice the gun ,well made and accurate,with if you look around some have such pretty wood you would kill for it. i have a farmer mate who has been shooting rabbits with his for 25 yrs ,its shot countless thousands and it will still be going srong in another 25yrs which is more than can be said for him[only joking].semi autos are nice and good fun but mine always jammed at the wrong moment,if you want a compromise between the two go for a marlin lever action ,super fast follow up shot but 100% reliable[
hi all,15 years ago when i applied for my 22-250, my firearms inquiry officer, who was a good old boy [sadly now retired and in his 60,s and much missed but still an avid fox shooter] told me never to shoot at a pair of eyes,it could be a woman holding a cat! now i know most people on this forum are far more sensible than to do that,but the pillock who shot the cow obviously did not know what he was shooting at.this accidental shooting will create quite a paper trail as the ministry for farms and fisheries will have to be informed as since BSE foot and mouth etc all livestock have an individ
firearm standard shotguns
greasemonkey replied to arveyboy's topic in Rimfire, Centrefire & Shotguns
Hi can anyone confirm if you can have an fac shotgun for pigeons as i have been led to believe that i could not get one for this purpose i could only get it for practical shotgun? arcpest Your allowed one for rabbits just not birds hi, fac shot guns are allowed for vermin destruction and practical shot gun shooting on an approved range.mine i have on ticket for vermin destruction .ihave a 10 shot "commando" brand[very PC name!] pump action 12bore i bought new in the eighties,,when i bought it it came with a pistol grip which you fitted by removing the stock and bolting it on,great fun f -
hi ralph,i am a bit of a magpie and own a motley collection of shotguns ranging from a 10shot pump action to lightweight english game guns and use what i deem suitable for the occasion.iuse a old browning auto 5 for clays ,a 3 1/2inch 10 bore magnum for geese and game guns for pheasants etc.however using all this old iron in the last 30 odd years i have never become more than a moderate shot . my advice to a beginner is to buy the best o/u with screw in chokes you can afford and stick to it at least untill you can shoot well with it, i personally dont like the look of them but they are unives
greasemonkey replied to shrivenham sniper's topic in Rimfire, Centrefire & Shotguns
hi,had a 700bdl in 22-250 for about 15 years .did a trigger job on it when i first got it ,the standard trigger unit can be made very sweet with some careful work but dont mess with it if you are not sure you are competant.cant fault the gun ,never ever had any trouble with it.go ahead ,buy and enjoy......greasemonkey -
hi, try clay and game reloaders website,the man who runs it is a very helpful guy. i reload my 3 1/2 10 bore cartridges with his products.PM me if you want my pet load details..hope this helps greasemonkey
as SFH we have had one of these in camo which i bought for 160 quid second hand about a year ago and my boys[ it has a left hand stock which suits them both] have shot clays, duck, geese and pigeon with it and had no problems at all with it.its a cheap gun that takes the knocks and keeps on going.having read the other posts it looks like SFH and i must have bought the only 2 good ones made...greasemonkey..
sorry guys iwas using winchesters own figures
.223 WSSM :icon_redface: 223 WSSM 3850fps......220 SWIFT 4110fps
the 220 swift is a firecracker of a cartridge the fastest of the .22 centrefires,will shoot much flatter than your 223 and kills very well , but it is very close in power to the 22-250 . the advantage of the 22-250 over the 220 swift is that barrels last longer and ammunition is available over the counter although not cheap..hope this helps...greasemonkey
hi, i reload both and have never noticed any difference either way except the nickel ones look better...greasemonkey
hi , as a guy that owns a garage i agree with all the comments so far ,if you can get a knowlegable chap like woz who obviously knows his stuff to go with you to look at a disco go and get him to go with you and keep him in beer for a week it will be worth every penny, old discos can be a money pit .i have lost count of customers who have bought all sorts of vehicles for good money that are just about fit for scrap and have cost a bomb to get safe and reliable.if they had paid me an hours labour to have gone and check them out they could have saved many times that amount in remedial repairs.
got two .22 rimfires a marlin model 39 lever action and a winchester m1903 semi auto[made in 1918]both now retired except for the old plinking session down the gun club club since the advent of the 17hmr which suits my rabbiting style better.have never cleaned the barrel of the marlin which must have accounted for rabbits in the thousands in the last 20years or so .. the winchester i cleaned once and it took a hundred or so rounds before it forgave me and started to group again.an old gunsmith once told me more barrels are ruined by cleaning than neglect..not sure about that but i think as l
do you know what this is?
greasemonkey replied to sionw123's topic in Rimfire, Centrefire & Shotguns
got a pic of one of these in an old parker hale catalogue[1950] .seen them being used at vintage arms meetings ,you might get 20quid for it on flea bay but iwould be inclined to keep it but then im an old hoarder ive had the same wife for 30 years...greasemonkey -
hi, i agree with all comments made so far,its possible to completely shoot the jaw completely off a fox without stopping it with a high velocity centrefire rifle ,an awful lingering death which no creature deserves,i shoot them in the engine room. with a 22-250 or simular this stops them dead every time as with a ballistic bullet lungs or heart are destroyed completely,,if you should be slightly off target the hydralic shock almost anywhere with a body shot does the job if the gun is powerful enough..hope this helps...greasemonkey
been running my toyota surf on 60derv/40 veg oil mix for the last year with no problems,run a garage and some of my customers run on mix without trouble also a lot of other garage owners use it in their own vehicles with no problems.i personally wouldnt run a modern common rail diesel engine on it,but any older vehicle with a mechanical bosch type injector pump should be ok. engines fitted fitted with a lucas cav injector pump can give problems,most japanese injector pumps are bosch type clones so should be ok.one of the most important things is not to mix too little derv with the veg oil,
here goes then ....12g browning auto 5, 3 shot,12g,commando 10 shot pump,12g sbs william ford sbs b/l ,12g sbs l.c. smith s/l,marrochi 28g o/u ,10g x3.5 magnum spanish sbs b/l,10g sbs hammer gun by w.richards,10g snider action s/b by thomas turner,12g s/b hushpower,8g flintlock s/b m/l,13g percussion m/l by berry,belgian sbs.410 hammer gun,english .410 hammer gun,12g semi auto escort cammo 3 shot,belgian .410 sbs pistol hammer gun[10 inch barrels]12g w.pollard hammer gun,12g belgian sbs hammer gun[completely worn out but was grandads].16g by simson sbs b/l . 16gx12.7mm cape hammer gun,12g x57
i agree with deker ,short barrels are better for shooting from vehicles,standard lenght barrels are slightly quieter than short ones using the same moderator.heavy barrels are no more accurate in the field than standard but are more consistent if a long string of shots are fired,as for cleaning every 15 shots this particular myth has been responsible for ruining more than one 17hmr rifle barrel that i know of.i dont recommend this to others but i have carried out an experiment with my cz452 17hmr.ihave not cleaned the barrel for 500rounds checking to see if its going "off" every 50 rounds,,las
thats excellent shooting ,card looks great in the frame . i have 2 marlin lever actions, one in .22rf,this was my favorite rabbit gun until the advent of 17hmr ,now ijust use it for plinking down the gun club . the other one is in 45/70 calibre, for those of you not familiar with this round it about the same size as your middle finger ,using modern loading data ,ihave used 50g of h4198 to push a 350g gas checked lead bullet out at 2000fps which translates to 3500ftlbs of energy .this load is shot standing up only, kicks like a mule but puts a big grin on the face of a big daft pratt like me.
i have used one of these for a few years,lots of dribbling and tongue technique to start with [dont use someone elses unless you really like them a lot!]i need to hold it other wise i tend to inadvertantly spit it out, you can get it loud enough to make your ears ring ,useful to get them in from a distance but easier to use your hand to get them in close,are they good?yes i think iwould buy another if i lost it which is more than i can say for most of the calls i have used in the last 15 years of hunting reynard.i have used a kiddies toy rat with a sqeaker in it for close calling till it stopp
.22-250 load and general questions.
greasemonkey replied to TOMY,HMR's topic in Reloading and Gun Maintenance
I would like to know where you get Lapua in 22.250 please yes sorry, i did not realise lapua did not make brass for the 22.250 someone else earlier in the thread recommended lapua brass so i presumed it was availiable and as i reload in 6.5x55 and 7.62x53r in lapua brass, and the cases are the best i have used i endorsed the recommendation.i reload for a dozen different calibres using several different brands of brass and none of it comes close to the lapua including the winchester brass i use for my 22.250.shame lapua brass is not availible in in ths calibre, apologies for any confu -
.22-250 load and general questions.
greasemonkey replied to TOMY,HMR's topic in Reloading and Gun Maintenance
hi, been shooting foxes with a 22-250 reminton 700 bdl[standard barrel],for 15years,best advice ican give you is use lapua brass,37g of h380,55g balistic tips by nosler ,sierra etc, buy a case trimmer because this case grows in lenght with every firing .this loading in my gun will shoot thumbnail size groups at one hundred yards,dont bother with a heavy barrel unless you intent to use it for target shooting and it makes the gun a pig to carry, most match bullets are fmjs which can in a worst case senario go straight through what you are shooting at and leave it wounded then carry on at a tan