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About Mac

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    Mega Hunter

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  1. As a breed, not for everyone. Abused in the hands of wannabe gangsters and the like. Possibly why they are where they are today, banned.
  2. Mac

    favourite meal

    That wouldnt be the award winning Tommys chippy at ballykelly would it ?? Or one of the "Bridies" chippys ?!
  3. Listen to this fella, he does alot more covers, click on his channel; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkVqmGZTi8c&NR=1&feature=endscreen
  4. Joe Rogan has just tweeted that he was talking with Dana white and there is talks of a rematch. If it was a fair match/win, why a rematch Lets say Diaz wins, who fights GSP then ? It being a 1-1 ?
  5. Mac

    favourite meal

    Are you not supposed to be watching the heart at your age socks
  6. Fights can be seen here http://mmaint.com/ufc143-live-stream.html
  7. Well done Condit , the sport is not as predictable as it used to be. The last two cards proved that!
  8. I'll run with Diaz aswell, i think the Diaz brothers attitude comes from all the weed they consume They have said that they have been close to stoned in and around the octagon one time or another! Anyone interested in listening to podcasts, go listen to joe rogans with various ufc fan's, with the likes of Eddie Bravo. There are some great ufc mma type stories about the fighters in and out of the octagon. There's some crap there to, joes into some weird planetary type topics http://www.joerogan.net/
  9. Cracking pic's, what age are the whippets Anubis ?
  10. I use this program , easy to use. Screen caputure. http://www.wisdom-so...hunter_free.htm
  11. Doesn't say much for bisping then lol Anyone who wants to judge for themselves, ufc 117 chael v adnerson, pretty easy to find on google. Again, not speaking as a devotee, just generalising.
  12. Chael was the only fighter to ever put anderson under that much pressure in his carreer, when they last met, chael was winning on points until anderson submitted him. Im not a devout chael fan, just giving my opinion on what i seen.
  13. Its all about who's hand the ref. lifts at the end of the night though, no prizes for the looser!
  14. Credit were credit is due, bisping put on a good show. Well done both men.
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