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joe cash

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About joe cash

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Eire (wicklow)
  • Interests
    lamping with lurchers bushing with terriersand a small bit of earth work

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  1. hows it going joe is that the pup outta the black and white bitch u send me down fine looking pup.

  2. Thanks for the replys and the links I'll try a few of them out and let ya no how I do
  3. I was just looking on the net for a fox call that I could download on to my phone didn't have much look could anyone help me out thanks Joe .
  4. Two cracking terriers mate.
  5. she's a cracker mate and a right bit of sport ya's had the bitch looks like she has a bit of english bull in her, keep the post coming joe.
  6. Hi just wondering could anyone tell me how the comp is going haven't been on here of late
  7. Sounds like ya's had a good day fairplay.
  8. Thats good to hear you should show him a few in a trap if ya haven't already makes them that bit more keen.
  9. Looks like a cracking day did the pup get a few kills and what age is it.
  10. Could anyone tell me if this will work with the b+f coller
  11. Good going did she catch them all the hardest rabbit is a rabbit that that is bolted with the ferret.
  12. Good start id say the dogs are well loosened up at this stage fairplay thats what i like to see.
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