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Everything posted by jayhawk

  1. jayhawk

    Prep work

    through the summer i have been getting my cocker dog ready for some small scale wildfowling this comming season i have trained him to the gun and been working on hand signals and retreives land and water, i'm no expert but hes come on good roll on the season click on the pics to play vids water work and getting used to the sights and smells of the estuary hope we all have a good season and the tides are kind jay
  2. into hawking and spaniels with some shooting and lurcher work thrown in.

  3. jayhawk

    itchy feet

    now i really got itchy feet and the team hope you liked em
  4. jayhawk

    itchy feet

    Starting to get itchy feet now that the moults nearly over and the season will soon be on us, so i thought i'd share some pictures i took from last season with you.....roll on this season jason
  5. some of my Harris in action. hope you enjoy Jason
  6. four bitches and two dogs whelped earlier, she even had a liver and white bitch in for docking on saturday. jay
  7. times have changed my freind, pups that are sold on docked which then need to be seen by vets for jabs etc are requiered to have all the relevant paperwork..... sad i know but thats how it goes jay
  8. mine cost £45 each with chipping , but its gotta be done really yes mate it has to be done and if the dogs go to working homes ....WORTH EVERY PENNY JAY
  9. Burnie where is your vets? My vet charged £23 last year gone up to £43 (
  10. hi all i have a litter of sprockers due in two weeks, only docking to working homes.(have you seen the price of docking lately ( ) lined my sprocker bitch to an ESS from badgercourt and rytex lines bitch used as a falconry dog but has been shot over,marks very well dog used mainly for rough shooting and ferreting days but has worked under my hawks again marks very well both hard working dogs used up to five days out of seven during the season both hitting any cover and working to hand and whistle. anyone interested drop me a PM im near swansea!!! the dog (in his summer
  11. lots off good advise on thread. all three breeds will do what you need of them choose the one you prefer the look of and try and see the parents work if you can. i have all three and they all work to Hawk and Gun!!! best of luck jay
  12. im swansea way also. ferreted 7 today and 9 week before last, i love a good mooch and am brining on a young lurcher.But i tend to normaly flush for the hawk, she fell lame some time ago which ended my season very early, so im having some fun ferreting there are pockets around which hold good numbers. yesterday i ferreted for a mates hawk on very special ground indeed ) the hawk a young inexperienced harris came close and showed good commitment but blanked arrrhhh i wish i had had some nets as the young sprocker marked well and we bolted 15+ bunnies and we didn't touch the place. as i h
  13. hi i had the very same problem just a few weeks back i finally got a nylon watch strap to fit from the cobblers shop. hope this helps. i'm sure you will get one for a couple of quid but i got stung as i told the bloke in the shop the price before asking and he could see i was desperate ...i also told him about deben's postage charges. rookie error on my part when i asked how much he said seven quid mate....ouch!!! but it saved me the postage eh!! this is it jay
  14. swansea way nice photos pal springers look like they want that rabbit but know better than to touch it when the bird has it. cheers cheers "rickyspringer" he's around 9 now i had him given me some years back and he has been a great servant to the hawks i have flown, i don't have papers but he's out of housty kennels (mike sheford). the bitch in the pics is a sprocker and his daughter im developing my own line,for my own satisfaction i'm not big on paperwork really,,thamks again jay
  15. a good days hawking my old boy close to retierment now jay
  16. as stated get a good spaniel, english springer or cocker from good lines. Dave, the Viz is a young bitch that i intend training this summer shes around the 9 mnths mark now and will sit stay etc but the real work will start when the season finishes, regarding the cover the only experience i have is that whilst out walking the dogs the spaniels are hell for leather through the thickest of stuff but she tends to pick and choose definatley not as keen as a good springer, but im not worried as i want her for pointing for the hawk (she is showing a good nose) i have my spaniels for the trash:0)
  17. hi, i use spaniels to flush for my hawk but love a good days ferreting and last year got me a lurcher bitch pup, took her out the other week for her first days ferreting and she behaved well,i have always been around lurchers since childhood and always said i'd have one in my kennels. here's "jil" grey/wheaton x bull/grey/whippet and "pepsi" home breed sprocker bitch chilling (after a good mark from the sprocker) whilst we net up. and the rest of the pack ) jason
  18. i appreciate they are new but there are second hand ones out there for that price with tidy scopes and extras??? good luck with your sale cheers jay
  19. just read back staffs as i said is the scope with it and what scope is it cheers jay
  20. where on EARTH are you? does the gun come with the scope in the pic? cheers jay
  21. sound response, i had a litter last year and kept a bitch back shes comming on very well and i am more than pleased with her, i'm hearing more and more about them all the time. good luck with the sale mate i'm sure they will sell no probs from good lines and at that price no worries jason
  22. where in south wales mate im near gorsienon swansea, interested but want to see the dam piccy please cheers jay
  23. nice tally for the season mate and at 15 your sewing the seeds for a great future in falconry well done, i am going to be flying a cast this comming season. again well done jason
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