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Everything posted by jayhawk

  1. Moving on and a mooch, a mark, and longnetts out. My cocker marking up What we gunna do here then? Stop net
  2. Excuse the blur my brother can't work the camera
  3. Good marking dogs = essential tools As is the Deben ferret finder Right on top of the action And I'm in for the second of the morning
  4. Dogs making up First bunny in the wood Then onto the hard stuff, blackthorn hedges
  5. Headed out to the farm this morning before light as im working at 3pm the two cockers and two brindles box full of ferrets and a mix of purse and longnetts, lots of rabbits crossing in front of the van on the way into the yard which is always a good sign. Had a chat with the farmer he said he'd finished hedge cutting yesterday and could have shot loads had he a gun in the tractor,luckily they were left for us, we started in a wood bellow the farm with the purse nets after a mark from the dogs and that was the first rabbit bagged,the next warren they marked as we were about to net up a rabbit b
  6. this boys been round the block thats about it lads hope you enjoyed the pics,, good sport to you all as the season comes to an end jay
  7. that rabbit took an age to bolt, he headed straight for where my brother was picking up purse nets my brother put it off going to ground again and it headed over the top of the bank with two dogs up its @rse,turned out to be an old buck, the dog completly ignored me and headed straight for his master
  8. i had to run after them to get these shots as i left the big lens in the truck
  9. rabbit away and a nice end to a days sport both dogs after it, my bitch catching and leaving it to my brothers dog to retrieve
  10. cheers lads im running out of pics slowly.
  11. got mine from here http://www.a1decoy.co.uk/
  12. Anyone out there with a copy of this DVD they could share with me Cheers Jay
  13. jayhawk

    My Fowling

    Well I was on the foreshore for 6:45 this morning settled into the waters edge as the tide dropped away from me, got the flask out and waited, and so typical of fowling all that came into range were cormorants,seagulls,curlew,shellduck, and crows I heard geese in the distance at times and the the call of a fowler the other side of the estuary three shots went off.... I hope he bagged!! Two lone geese went over the water a little later but way out for me .... The same fowler having a pop at em but I watched them fly off. Note to self..... I need a goose call Can anyone recommen
  14. Coney catcher Netting the main bank! Dogs wait as the ferrets are put to work
  15. Cheers for the positive replies peps it makes bothering all the while. I love my sport as we all do and having the pics to reflect on and share with like minded people is something I enjoy very much. With the season being such a mild one it won't be long atall till the nets will be redundant for a few months:(
  16. shaunpauls7 the dogs are bull/whippet/grey X wheaton/grey Aaron_butcher-that aint the first time my brother has been likened to heston and it wont be the last, we rib the sh@t outta him )
  17. Forgot to mention my mrs made us rabbit pasties for lunch and the brindle dog got into johns bag and eat his, the air was blue as you can imagine, we think the dogs got summit against him as he usually p!sses on his bag lol
  18. jayhawk

    My Fowling

    White chip cartons ??? I have a call and it works well Cheers Jay
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