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Everything posted by jayhawk

  1. I bought 2x50yrder in ine basket and a stop net off them back in august cannot fault the gear however the service leaves alot to be desired took an age to actually contact Liam after ri ging emailing and texting Liam eventually rang me back I placed my order which took an age to come after yet more phone calls and texts when it did come there was no stop net in the package which I had payed for ??? Yet more texting ringing and emailing and it eventually came, I now have a quality bit of kit but would I order again Probably not:( I may add Liam was very charming and apologetic on t
  2. I take cooked breasts on ferreting days and eat em like nuggets, my good lady also makes me a pigeon hot pot nice big chunky hot pot with the breasts cut into four it's really tasty. My mate puts four whole birds in a bed of onion in a slow cooker with a drop of red wine at the Bottom And let's them steam In the juices salt pepper and garlic if you wish and it's banging ))
  3. ive been gorging myself on pigeon lately after enjoying some shooting over peas and the stubble my shooting has been improving slowly as ive learned to slow down a little not huge bags but im enjoying and the cocker and vizsla are getting some extra work as well as working under my hawk and ferreting days the kids have come out a few time to and love it.My mrs make a mean pigeon hot pot and the lads at the pub are keeping me in beer as i supply them game ....happy days
  4. nice days sport saturday very warm for all kept the dogs and ferrets topped up with water and cracked on for a good days ferreting, mainly using longnets as the hedgerows are thick still everyone enjoyed and we bagged some rabbits after good marks from the dogs. couldn't take my lurcher bicth as shes in season:( but the cocker had some fun in the cover pushing rabbits to ground and flushing one to my brothers lurcher dog who took it in style in the yard right in front of the farmer who was chuffed have a good season everyone some pics
  5. Anyone shooting one of these if so any problems Give us a review Cheers jason
  6. That's enough for me lads thanks for the replies I'll be keeping to the real thing then Cheers Jason
  7. Anyone using flocked pigeon decoys, the type with the spinning wings, I'm thinking about getting a pair for my magnet, as it breaks my heart to use real, previously shot birds as they are to yummy Whats your opinions on them please Cheers Jason
  8. nice 1 them squirells are a nusance put my hawk out of action a few times jason
  9. nice pcs love the one of the dog retrieving over the wall
  10. that was a nice brucey bonus at the end of the morning
  11. ferret wasn't long behind it
  12. right guys last set of pics, from the trailer back at the yard i didn't have my big lens so couldnt get any close up's but if you look closely you can see the rabbit hitting the long net. as i said the dogs marked under the trailer and we netted around it popped a ferret in and bingo. rabbit to the left see the dip in the net
  13. cheers mate wheaton/grey X whippet/bull/grey jay
  14. we lamped the same farm mate as in the pics plenty of rabbits about, we only had three one for each or the dogs slipping them alternatly, missed a few as the dogs arn't as fit as we'd like:( wouldnt be without them mate damn good allrounders they are used to put rabbits to ground from cover too! i also shoot over the black dog. thanks for the replies
  15. Cracking read mate nice looking dogs, and your attitude to our sport is spot on fairplay Atb Jay
  16. Nice work mate, wish my mrs would hang bunnies:) Tab Jay
  17. Tried the timer on the camera placed on a fence post bit dark The likely lads
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