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Everything posted by terrier.2

  1. oi you you know better than that..you put her up B in S HA HA
  2. if its any help,i have the barryvox and mate has the d3.we used them both together to see which was the best and quickest..the barryvox was the quickest but only marginally.my mate is titally happy with the d3 and for box and collar is about quid cheaper than the B & f.if money aint a problem then the barryvox is the one
  3. took a marked up bitch in to a class being judged by a guy called ken rowe i think.there was only four in the class.he shook his head and told me ..them days are over!!!!! guess which dog was the only one to get kicked out..even though she is as smart as a pin to boot
  4. have to agree with asbo cant see any border there at all
  5. pykeys mainly.dont give a feck if i get slated for saying that.i ve been on the receiving end and guess what found what i was looking for at a pykey scumbag camp
  6. terrier.2


    thanks hollie have just tried what you said and that did nt work either just gonna throw pc out window..cant understand it never used to have this problem and daughter is getting fed up of me shouting her to help
  7. terrier.2


    cant work out what i am doing wrong trying to put photos on..have always just pressed browse found photo then pressed upload..it would then say initializing attachment and hey presto..but now it says uploading file and then informs me i have not selected a file even though file is in current management bar..help this is driving me insane there must be a computer whizz amongst you lot
  8. was thinking the same..is he whizzing or what
  9. i also give pups raw beef at about 4 weeks old and dont blend it either..just a bugger if you run out of meat and try to give normal puppy food they wont touch it
  10. bloody beat us to it you little bugga

  11. stonking pup mate who bred that but cameraman a bit pissed aint he
  12. real common in terriers ie terrier hop..its normally perthes disease..a bit like hip displasia dont panic..some terriers suffer this disease when young which causes the ball of the hip joint to grow abnormally and this makes the terrier hop..most dont bother about it all their lives others are unfortunate and have to be operated on
  13. no probs busy day tomorrow so will keep you posted
  14. b&f belonged to terrierman ..as said before both do exactly what they are supposed to do..but given a choice of which to buy i took a chance and have no regrets whatsoever..same dog both collars..barryvox pulse just that bit better and collar half the size...it aint much cheaper if going for the top range one though
  15. yes mate ..so you have to switch yourself off to what your used to..old habits die hard..but it was spot on ...will have some deeper digs hopefully tomorrow so will keep you posted
  16. both locators do exactly as they are supposed to but ortovox is lightening fast..collar is superb..cheers ss...looks alot more complicated than it really is ..small neat ..A1
  17. cheers bryan..used barryvox pulse for first time today..absolutely spot on mate..goodbye b&f
  18. jsut received my barryvox pulse from bryan not had a chance to play with it yet but came with all batteries and looks a great bit of kit...cheers bryan
  19. my advice is to never bath a harsh coat unless really necessary..once you can see the difference between the under coat and top coat start stripping ..little and often..do not leave it too long as both coats will now be growing at the same rate..it is texture now that will tell you the difference..there is not many mistakes that you cant correct over time..alll in all if his coat was good to start with oyu will get it back
  20. to clip it once should not do too much damage..it feels bad because by clipping you have exposed the under coat of which is softer..if he had a hard coat before you can get it back it will take a few sessions of hand stripping but ..where it becomes hard is diferentiateing between top coat and under coat..dont expect a miracle on first strip but it will probably only take two or three times ..it will come back with time and persevernce
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