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Everything posted by openallhours27

  1. Back from the vets. Vet didnt have a clue really. Said it wasnt mange or anything like that, asked me did she scratch? NO do i bath her? NO. I mentioned the protein thing and he nodded. I asked what her protein in take should be he said between 14 and 16%. Her current food is 26%. He gave me some advocate which i was glad of as a friend of mine had recommended i get that. I shall do everything else this friend has suggested. The vet said give it 8 weeks as it can take a while then see how she is after that
  2. if anything its possibly a food allergy or a protein problem....greyhounds suffer quite badly on theyre back ends if the protein content is too high etc...try a different food like a gluten free complete or talk to a couple of food places to see if they have anything based on allergy problems might help! ive seen this with hay/straw but generally its a rash and the hair loss the rash being quite harsh! i know this is an old thread hopefully you have it sorted now if not it may help someone else.... Are there any other affects of too high a protein? I did have it suggested to me
  3. Great, thanks for that. Is your pup ok now?
  4. I also thought mange was sore and itchy until i read this................................. What does demodectic mange do to the dog? Surprisingly, a dog with demodectic mange does not itch severely, even though it loses hair in patches. Areas of bare skin will be seen. The hair loss usually begins on the face, especially around the eyes. When there are only a few patches of hair loss, it is termed localised demodectic mange. If the disease spreads to many areas of the skin, it becomes generalised demodectic mange Although shes not loosing hair in patches it seems to be thinning all
  5. Im sure you can give childrens benelin cough medicine
  6. I was trying to think if she had been stressed in any way but this bitch has the life of riley lol. Not knowing much about demodex i wasnt sure if it itched or not. I have been reading up a lot about it today though. Dont like to think of it being demodex, but if it is we will have to deal with it. Im just worried one day soon she will be completly bald, hence the appointment at the vets monday.
  7. Just read this with interest. My bitches coat has been thining for about 3 months now i thought it was due to her having her 1st season in June. She is at present 14 months old. The hair is not coming out in clumps but the coat tends to be thining all over. Somebody said today they thought it could be demodex, I have an appt at the vets for Monday. She has no itching or sore red patches, just wondering what you guys think. In these pics you can see how thin her hair is around her back legs and over her rib area.
  8. Yip dogs tend to eat less when its warm feed later in the evening when its cooler....well mine do anyway we feed one day raw one day kibble, i have found kirklands kibble to be the best value for money.
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