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Everything posted by Wallop

  1. Thanks for that.... as I said I'm only after a day time mooching dog.... So just walking and letting the dog hunt up a scent and mooch is ok then ??
  2. Ok then fellas maybe you can help me out. I have a 6 month old Beddy / whippet.... Now I got her for a day time rabbit dog and to be honest not really looking to use her on the lamp. This is my first Lurcher and you hear so much about messing a pup up by entering it early... I have taken her out and let her catch the scent around the warrens during the day but made no effort to do any real mooching. The other day I went out as it was getting dark. I took her to a place where I know there isn't anything about (or so I thought) She chased up a rabbit and didn't get it. She didn't open up an
  3. That is a beautifull dog credit to you mate
  4. I'm still training mine but have to say that yeaah she can be headstrong.. A great little dog to have about the place though
  5. They both look like cracking dogs, mine is 5 months and 17 tts... out of good working lines on both sides
  6. Good post mate... I guess if you are happy then nothing else needs to be said... Hope the pups turns out as you want good luck with them both atb
  7. this is my 17 month old beddy whippet, 20 tts, shes brilliant, i like the look of your dog pal, only 7months? looks very well, atb She's 5 months mate and thanks I'm well happy with her.... she hasn't done anything yet just training her up and getting her out amongst the scent... Your dog looks a right little cracker atb mate
  8. Thanks for the replies and good luck with all your dogs
  9. 5 month old bitch 17 tts Lets have a look at yours mate!!! cheers
  10. I know this breed isn't everyones cup of tea but I'm after a daytime rabbit dog and I hope she does ok. She is now 5 months old and 17 tts. Her recall is coming on (well most of the time) And her retrieving is not bad at all although she insists on walking around behind me prior to giving up the tennis ball. Will start her on a rabbit skin dummy after christmas. Cheers all have a good christmas break Wallop
  11. I disagree mate I gt 2 beddy whippets work great with terriers great on the lamp and can turn on a penny yes I agree they knock some of the speed out but enough to stop them doing the job and mine come straigh back on recall most of your lurcher crosses the speed get knocked out of the pure bred a bit collie x bull x wheaton x but not enough to stop them doing the job atb dave Dave are your Beddy / whippet first crosses and what bloodlines are they from??? WHAT SEX ARE THEY AND WHAT ARE THEY TTS.... SORRY FOR ALL THE QUESTIONS JUST INTERESTED ones a first x mate working bedo ramb
  12. I disagree mate I gt 2 beddy whippets work great with terriers great on the lamp and can turn on a penny yes I agree they knock some of the speed out but enough to stop them doing the job and mine come straigh back on recall most of your lurcher crosses the speed get knocked out of the pure bred a bit collie x bull x wheaton x but not enough to stop them doing the job atb dave Dave are your Beddy / whippet first crosses and what bloodlines are they from??? WHAT SEX ARE THEY AND WHAT ARE THEY TTS.... SORRY FOR ALL THE QUESTIONS JUST INTERESTED
  13. I have a Beddy / Whippet x Beddy / Whippet.... from good lines originally and good working stock on both sides. She is just 5 months now and seems to be coming on. Recall is good and her retrive is coming on. I can't compare her as I have always had terriers in the past. She is obviously the quickest dog I have owned and can turn on a sixpence. she is just over 16" tts and I hopeing she will get to 17 (her Dam is 17 tts and the sire is 19 tts.) All I want her for is a bit of daytime rabbiting, her and her dam looking a bit light for charlie. Lots of hard work to put in yet but have to say i'm
  14. nice looking bitch mate what have you had her on??
  15. nice bitch mate but what happened to her eye???
  16. GOOD PICK MATE I also like the brindle one front left
  17. well pleased you got him back mate
  18. I like him mate looks the part to me
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