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Everything posted by SEAN3513

  1. Needed or not , my dogs well worth £25 per year to eliminate any risk of disease
  2. Nikon coolpix L120.....hard to beat for the money Check out "Rolfes" pics on here.....he has one
  3. And it HAS to be a dedicated pump......capable of charging a pcp (unless ive mis-understood the question)
  4. Cheer's Sean , £25 a few quid 27yrs ago , though you cant put memories in the bank mate It was mate , with train tickets , food etc it was well over a weeks wages
  5. 14hrs total in wembley , thi.k the concert was about 10 or 11 hours Little known fact.......the show was actualy opened by the band of the coldstream gaurds
  6. if I remember correctly tickets where £25 I can remember it being a long day, and it lasted about 14 hours I think And you want me to name the entire 70,000 crowd??......i'll pm you....lol U2 , tears for fears, madness,geldorf (boomtown rats) , phil collins , queen , status quo, dire straights , the who , spandeua ballet , paul mc cartney , bowie , jagger..........and a few more
  7. Fortunately I was left hand side on the halfway line Unbeleivable show.........it was stolen good and proper by queen
  8. The WWF.......pay and supply a packed lunch to hunt sabs.......they never get a penny off me
  9. Or something along these lines Archie and Jock are discussing Jocks wedding. "Ach its all going well i've got everything organised, I even bought a kilt to be married in." Archie says "that's good, what's the tartin?" Jock says "I imagine she'll be in white."
  10. Or Isnt the bride a "babe".........well , youv'e all seen the film !!!!
  11. "getting married is like a buffet , you go up and get your food , when you sit back down you look at your mates plate and think..........i wish id got what he'd got !!!!!"
  12. Lol.......im sure we could add many more !!!!!
  13. Im sure most of us of a certain age managed all 50 before 11 3/4 ???? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthnews/9201607/National-Trust-50-things-to-do-before-you-are-12.html#pd_a_6132428
  14. If logic is applied.....i would suggest he was going about his buisness legitamately , would a "chav" invest in a pcp , bipod and camo , I think not , more likely to nick a gun and spend his money on white lightning. To much is made of these situations , seemingly , even by fellow hunters , its all to easy to "suppose"......but given the evidence I see no real reason to be "gobsmacked"
  15. No lamp required......could be something in this....lol
  16. Common land , will have a tennant or agent , usually the local council legally you need permission off the land owner or his agent (tennant) You cant just shoot on common land....end of....it is armed trespass...even with an air rifle
  17. Whinlatter visitors centre.......live osprey nest cams.....not far from the veiwing point Dallam park at milnthorpe on the A6 , park fallow always good to snap
  18. Thanks again for the comments , much appreciatrd
  19. Because.....it was turning into a bitch fight and its not a good idea to advertise a dog that "goes for children"
  20. Theres a thread running in the lurcher section of this , thought I would add one here to share your handy work ......heres some of mine....
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