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Everything posted by SEAN3513

  1. f**k me I tnought WHIN had hacked everyones computers !!!!!
  2. Have I just read this??....or am I asleep and dreaming??? I was going to say something.....but I just cant
  3. Nice shot mate Was expecting that mate of del boys....lol
  4. Look like oyster catcher to me , where was the nest ??
  5. Deal.....although I have done my part already....lol
  6. Nice shots........sad that these lovely old buildings fall in to dis-repair and stand empty
  7. Lol........i also have some thats a pigs ear and a dogs dinner !!!! Cheers
  8. aye me too Cheers.....on the beach in a village called "beer"
  9. I didn't want to go for the 10mm pex as I've read its just the same ID as 8mm microbore so there wasn't much point, although I know its easier to bend than the 15mm pex stuff.. I'll get stuck in when I have more time..I need to get a combi as well as the place has an old system.. It is , but if the runs aren't long it works fine , especially if you upgrade to 22 feeds to the manifold
  10. If its straight forward , couple of hours and about 50/60 quids worth of materials
  11. SEAN3513

    EH ?

    You'd think............:-D
  12. Certainly looks the dogs mate , and if its just as good on the inside , its got to be one of the best out there , hope it does the job for you
  13. No change there then.....lol Have you been out with it yet dude ??
  14. SEAN3513

    EH ?

    Lol...it was a mistake on my part Fooking touch screens....lol
  15. Yep , its water hammer , usually caused by poorly clipped pipes and or high water pressure , a small 1/2 litre expansion vessel will help or cure it , fitted to the cold main, or as a trial try turning the wster pressure down on the main stop cock. A pressure reducing valve fitted next to the main stop cock may also work
  16. Looks like a rellum sport.....to me
  17. My first one was £2.50.......how times change
  18. Erm......potential rabbit killer (in the right hands).......lol Nice mate , very nice
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