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Everything posted by hingindoolie

  1. Thanks, There may be something in what you say as I have not seen a mod for my 22/250 for under £ 230 and this lots MK1 is almost half that price.
  2. Hi all, Has anyone heard of these mods or more importantly used one as the price seems too good to be true. http://www.jls-wednesbury.org/id59.html
  3. My eyes are watering and I feel my stomach churning... Reading the title was bad enough, £35... Well done, but I now offically hate you Now I'm gonna give away my Bushnel to some poor person who does'nt have a good scope like me Hee Hee
  4. Gotta go to the doctors now to get the grin surgicaly removed from my face.
  5. Thought I would just make you all sick. Zeiss Conquest 3-9 x 50 at car booty and I beat the guy down from £50 to £35. He thought it was for an air rifle and who am I argue.
  6. I did not need a licence for taking deer at night but required written permission from the local firearms officer who in turn required written reasons for taking them at night " nipping the tops off newly planted trees." by the land owner. Remember that if permission is given you will have to go up a calibre for night stalking. I had to get another gun 243 as I use a 22/250 during the day. Have a chat with your firearms officer at your police HQ he will keep you right.
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