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Everything posted by JackReid

  1. Hello all, Between yesterday and the last time I went for a shoot I had suspected a little bit of scope creep or somethign a bit loose as my guns not been holding its zero like it should. Its seemed recently all I do is re-zero!! I found the culprit, it was just one of the scope rail screws, and a stock screw also needed a half turn also. For quite awhile I have been using heavier pellets, like RWS Superfield, AA Field Diabolo etc (Yes, DIABOLO my gun smith pointed them out to me they arent called Diablo like everyone seems to have adopted!!!) Anyone notice this?! But today I had only
  2. HW80 probably stands as one of the top 5 all time springers... Stealthy has a point though a refurb would get the HW77 back on track. Choice is yours! Jack
  3. Anything you shoot will have a knock on effect. Its the way it goes...
  4. Good writeup mate keep it up! Jack
  5. I'd be interested in money prices but I understand you want to swap etc so no worries... Jack
  6. With 500 quid you can have anything really.. Top springers are Weihrauch HW series, Air arms pro sport and TX200, and also a few more I cant think of right now! Jack
  7. So we headed back, fun day, not much to show but oh well. This pigeon the day after made up for it though, was a lovley shot. Sorry for quick round off but gota go, will post when I've got more.
  8. Eventually thinking it was a no go here also, I headed to go see Hugo in the hide, on the way down something dragged itself throuh the hedge next to be and stopped. I froze, dropped my adjustable objective to its lowest point, magnification to x3..... Stayed still and peered through where the rabbit had stopped moving, I could see its backend and wondered if even I could see the head I would be able to hit it as it was so close. I slowly shuffled right with the rabbit not moving, something wasnt right. I took a step back and could see the head, it was riddled in mixi, gave the appropriate hold
  9. This (turning fro mthe farm to look right) is the hedgerow I was going for. Using the orange electric fence posts as markers, the 2nd furthest from me being 30 metres I was well equipt to take out anything that came out. It was quite windy, but I chose the least windy side of the hedge, giving myself shade from the wind, and also hoping the rabbits may have the same idea, they have in the past, but not today.... Once again this wasnt frustrating I was having fun nevertheless.
  10. After this I cut through a hedge and attempted to stalk my way along/through a hedgeline to get more or less underneath the huge pigeon tree's I usually try and shoot. Never stalked this way successfully before and did a real good job, having to stop every now and then to catch my breath. Eventually the first round blob was visible through all the branches and it had its back to me, perfect. It was a ridiculous steep angle but I was confident with that. The problem was a stick crossing its back killzone, not allowing a between the wing heart shot. I thought I would wait and if all else failed
  11. Hello all, Did this a few days ago so cant remember in detail for an exiting write-up haha! However I do remember the basics and the pictures just outline my chosen spots and the successive fails/victories. Might give a bit of flavour to someone news idea of where to start when taking rabbits. I seem to remember spending the good portion of the day at the farm with Hugo and Dylan. Hugo was hungover so got in the hide shown in previous topics, and stayed there with his HW97KT and a .22LR in case of much longer range shots. I tried a variety of rabbit spots but apart from sparing the odd
  12. Either are awesome mate. HW97K I would imagine is a bit quieter? Go look at either and choose the one you like the look of the most! Either way your a winner Jack
  13. That pigeon got hit hard! Amazing shot mate, a true testament to springer potential! All the best Jack
  14. Nice one dude! Nothing like the first rabbit with air rifle! Jack
  15. Top notch, varied shooting mate. Look forward to hearing more!! Jack
  16. Cant give you direct notes on experience but my very experienced local air gun dealer says the HW80 can be cranked to almost 24ftlb or something and it still is good for it in terms of accuracy etc... Hope better advice follows. Jack
  17. I once bought Napiers back i nthe day and had a football sized grouping... Maybe they are prone to flying everywhere if not perfectly sized for the barrell.... I tried working it out but went back to any other pellet and the problem was gone Jack
  18. :welcomeani: back dude Jack
  19. Cheers mate, what did you have done to it? I had a look around that site the other day. Looks like they know their stuff. Jack
  20. And a kill follows... We're heading out bit later on and although the suns not out and the winds up we may be up for another good one and I'll sort my zero out. Jack
  21. I carried on my walk about and wondered where the others were and eventually found Dylan as a monkjack deer came sprinting out past us. He said him and Hugo had been messing about with a hide in one of the largewr fields in a busy corner, not so much to use today but maybe the next day or two. So headed down for a mess about and chat to their hide which hugo had nustled into nicely! After a quick plink at some knots in the trees around I noticed straight away I was shooting about an inch and a half out????? I had been pretty careful to not knock the gun as usual, and even so it has hel
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