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About billybruiser

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 30/07/1967

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  • Location
    south west

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  1. Hi lads, i just dug my old faithfull Korean powa house, took a few shots to check the zero before bashing some bunnies and its gone pop on me! i need to strip her down but i feel to tight to pay TR Robb the money, ive stripped it down a few years ago but ive forgotten how i did it anyone have any info to help me? im sure the hammer has broke inside and it could do with new seals. thanks
  2. Well a year on and its still being watched
  3. I found this mad looking grub today, ive never seen anything like it! what do you think it is? http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a268/billybruiser/009.jpg
  4. Thanks lads hes nearly 23 tts so hope he dont grow anymore!
  5. You gotto love the mentality of some people on here
  6. Walking to & from the pub, and keeping the local cats out of me garden ;-)
  7. Hes 1/2 greyhound, 3/8 bedlington, 1/8 whippet
  8. Heres a pic of my 7 month old bedlington pup hes recovering from a chipped bone in the back leg, but doing well hes nearly 23 tts
  9. Your pup looks just like mine! Same age, come from the midlands? I got a vid of me pup when it was younger on utube! The thing is nuts
  10. These pellets do work well in this gun
  11. has anyone here got one of these? you can take these bad boys up to 100flbs http://www.straightshooters.com/ourtake/ottesteunjinsumatra.html
  12. Its gotto be a beddyx whippetxgrey for the best all round dog
  13. your not wrong about them being stuborn!
  14. Its never hurt a dog holding it back from the real action! you need to wait till 12 months old or you may pay the price later with your dog
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