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Everything posted by sammy/c

  1. I thought the treadmills were a bit noisy, built a table free running all you need ply board cut into circle of size, carpet [to stop the dog slipping] a wheel rim,car axle half of in the ground half up and a good friend with a welder!!!! hope this helps you couple of pics on pc cant get them on!! newbie!!!!!!!!!!!! all the best
  2. If the day comes give the dog a good [battering} with the rabbit again and again!!! Hope this works for you as it did for me Why batter the dog with the rabbit? Does it serve more of a purpose than just battering it with your hand? friend of mine told me it worked for him, happened one day to me so tried it dog about 3foot dog didnt look at them again!! it was a 3/4bull 1/4pat bitch away now about 3 years she made a good name for her self turned out a descent bitch all the best.
  3. If the day comes give the dog a good [battering} with the rabbit again and again!!! Hope this works for you as it did for me
  4. some good looking terriers lads, ive just an old black dog now 12ish an a russell bitch pup 13weeks fingers crossed she wiill grand!!!!!!!!!!! all the best
  5. nice looking dogs my friend never seen the blue before? anyone manchester way? looking old friend name of Ronnie [ jack the lad] used to do security
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