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Everything posted by sammy/c

  1. thats a posh dog shed it is ive seen it!!!!!! all the best
  2. nice pics pal snow looks good two!!!!
  3. told you TIME!!!!!! take it easy pal i said she was ready!! is that the old dog in pic? is he still with us?? old boys still about friend, them two pups piss him off!!!!!!! cant remember you takin the pic but thats him buddy any more
  4. when you bringin my bitch back!!!!!!

  5. told you TIME!!!!!! take it easy pal
  6. some good blood in the bitches paul run her hard boy or send her back over the pond to ulster!!!!!! believe your robs is doing fine
  7. your getting old wee man!!!!!!!!

  8. look down on reddish vale & portwood !! used to live in stcokport long time ago G"earth some job
  9. they are litter mates, the black ones owned by my cousin.......and in mag-ic form. Mine is taking abit more getting into this season, thought id seen that old jeep before bitches looking well all the best
  10. put some pic"s of that bitch "lady" up my old friend!!!!!!!!!
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