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About Kennelre

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  1. Hi RHR. Are you stalking me ?

  2. Infamous??? Nope, it's the curse of a Libran birth sign...always looking for balance, harmony and intelligent debate!! ...Rene.
  3. And before anyone say/mentions about taking sides or anything else, you will see from my profile, i joined here back in Feb, long before this thread kicked off. Quote Bonzo. I don't believe there's a rule here for the time, or motivation, for joining the forum. There also doesn't seem to be a rule regarding the posting of private pm's....or an individuals personal details. ...Rene.
  4. I don't know if there's any point in making a reasoned comment on this thread without being accused of taking sides, but I'll give it another bash anyhow. In my opinion this discussion has nothing to do with a search for truth, even if some people are getting emotionally conned into the belief that they might be playing a vital part in proving a man's innocence. This absolutely cannot be proven one way or another on an internet forum. This thread is a complete manipulation and people are being manipulated into answering the innapropriate demands of someone who appears to be playing a game, b
  5. There is no such thing as 'justice via a forum'..and nor should there be!! Forums have no right to make decisions in legal matters and the hobby of 'trial by forum' is one that I don't subscribe to. I do have some knowledge of 'stalking' though...and I personally think that's what we're dealing with here. I take no side in this matter and know none of the parties involved...but there must surely come a point when the constancy of one man's attempt to pursue another man, across as many forums as possible in a veangeful attempt to malign him, becomes a matter of great concern to those who all
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