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Everything posted by gerjan

  1. Does it seems like you've got 4 hens from 11 chicks? I thaught pullets were the name for young hens so i checked it on the web and pullets are hens under a year old. If you bought them someone you or the 4 chicks mature faster. I've had chicks before that were the same breed and age and looked different but in the end they were both hens.
  2. The best quail for meat and eggs are japanese quails. The hens lay more eggs than chickens, my hens lay 6 eggs a week average. You can feed your quails chicken layer feed but it is to low in protein for a good fertility rate so you have to give your quails mealworms or maggots or something. Chicken feed has 15% protein and quails need 26%, you can buy special game bird feed but you also can give the quails turkey starter crumbel or normal food for (chicken) chicks. Only 1% or someting of the hens will sit on their own eggs so you need an incubator. The temperature in the incubator hase to
  3. Thats going to be a nice catty! What kind of elastics are you going to use?
  4. On the picture you can see some of the bark is chipped away. The wood looks very ligth just like hazel and cherry wood is a little red. (if thats correct English)
  5. I don't have a hunting license so i don't shoot pheasants. Actually it isn't even legal to release pheasants here. My pheasants are just pets and i bougth this fella because i never saw a real buff pheasants, just pics. I see what you mean, if a buff rooster flies the guns could thinks it's a hen .
  6. Here are some pics of my buff pheasant rooster. I already had a ringneck rooster but when i walked into this fella i couldn't resist buying him He is with the 3 hens now but i'm planning on keeping 4 hens from this season so i have a young breeders next year.
  7. Thanks. Won't the rabbits bolt when they know you'r around?
  8. Thanks lads I'm going to build a good hutch soon and trying to find a kit from working parents. I won't block the holes for the ferret because their are a lot of wild polecats here and i've heard stories about ferrets that were bit in the neck and killed by polecats. I think i will buy a hob first because i've read that jills have to be bred because they can die if they aren't bred. But jills are smaller so i have to convince my fokes that i really need 2 hutches
  9. We've only got small burrows in my area but i really want an kit. I know a kit from working parents is better, in a nearby town there is an pet and poultry market every wensdaymorning and i've talked to an fellow there a few times who sales kits from working lines and equipment. I don't know if he still sells kits now.
  10. Thanks lads, i't only makes it easier to start I'm going to buy a young ferret but there isn't a big chance that i can work it with an older ferret because there are no ferreters in my area. Yesterday i saw a video online and the guy knocked on his ferret hutch when he fed them, he said that he does that so he can lure the ferret out of the warren by knocking on the ground, is that a good method to your opinions?
  11. Hello. Ferreting with purse nets is the only form of hunting in my country wich everyone can legaly do aslong you have permission from the landowner so i'm thinking about getting started with it. I have read about housing ferrets, feeding them, breeding with them, handle ferrets, about ferreting and i can make purse nets but there is one thing i cant find. Does a ferret needs to be trained before you can sent it down a warren? Thanks.
  12. Je moet altijd oppassen met wat je op internet zet. De politie schijnt internet ook te gebruiken en jij gebruikt je foto en je naam.
  13. Never knew snaring and trapping was legal here .
  14. try to find out who had set the snares and place some snares in their front garden and at head high by their front door, could be a bit of a laugh if they come home drunk in the dark
  15. should have waited for the owner and shotgunned him
  16. someone i know gave me 15 free 4 week olds but the local chicken trader told me they were al cocks so i have em to him. Later the man i got them from told me they were al hens.. the local animal trader made some more of those mistakes cause he thaugth only cocks have shiny feathers..(i thaugth that to)
  17. Are you a member of the backyard chickens forum to? I think I've seen that pen there posted by the gamekeeper .
  18. Could be a mink, marten or polecat to. As long as your chicken lay they won't kill them but take there eggs but they will take hatchlings.. just lay a few eggs in a spot magpies and crows can't see them and count them every few days.
  19. Even rabbit's will eat their youngsters if they'r weak. I'v heard about rabbits (pets)with 1 ear because the mother ate one after giving birth..I've been told that the would eat everything with to much blood on it. Perhaps ferrets will do that to and by the time you see the kits for the fist time the jill could have eaten one..
  20. That are called Antwerpse baardkrielen in Dutch and Belgium. I've had 2 cocks and 3 hens to but 1 cock and 2 hens died... greetings
  21. My terrier (not for hunting, just for pet) always runs around the coops, my chickens only look at him and sometimes they even walk towards him. I would say that its no problem for an chicken to live with terriers around. Gerjan
  22. Mayby try something like isa brown, they're cheap lay large eggs and they are large. Gerjan
  23. Let them swim in fresh, clean water for a day before you kill them.
  24. Great to save ammo, just throw bricks at the game.
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