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About russellsrule

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  • Birthday 27/05/1980

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    Ratting with my jack russells. Allthough my top dog GYP died suddenley last week, and its taking some courage to get out there without him
  1. Anybody know any good contacts or books for training a jrt to be extra obedient!!! Ive worked all my jrt's on rats but i have a new pup who i would also like to take beating to my mates shoot, its all new to me so any tips contacts or info would be great. Sarah
  2. WOW!!! Some haul that! Well done to your dogs, bet there knackered. You deserve a tot of slow gin for that and a juicy bone for dogs. Well done again, keep up the good work.
  3. is wondering where spring is and waiting to go ratting at weekend

  4. Hope yu Don Mind the Add Just saw yu Had A pony :)

  5. sorry to here about the gyp dog, lost my first terrier last year, had to get a pup to bring on so ive missed out this season. miss her every day! time is a wonderfull healer, so is occupying yourself with mental pups!



  6. Hi. hes a looker. Ive sent you a pm. thanks
  7. hi my name is sarah, i have 3 russells and a plummer cross fell. Together we love to kill rats, great site!!! And thats all ive got to say really. Heres a picture of my plummer, Sal
  8. Hi evary body! Just wanted to introduce myself as im new to this site. I work my terriers, 3 russells and a plummer cross fell, on rats every weekend at various farms. Just wondered if any tips regarding bites, as my dogs seem to allways get a few. Great site!!! 50 plus yesterday at a pig farm. And also any tips regarding my plummer going to ground as shes been worked on fox before, i dont have the foggiest. thanks
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