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Everything posted by Johnjo

  1. Dont worry this thread will be staying and hopefully whoever is in question will have the decency to tell the truth and clear all of this up once and for all.. Millet I think there is a small group here who would believe anything Derek Canning convicted Peregrine thief would say Don't tell me that the one bird that you seem to be making a song and dance about sent you to jail. Pure nonsense. Other people have moved on with their lives but for some reason you do not seem to. You are a liar and you lie so much you start to believe them yourself. NEIL HUNTER ANSWER THE QUESTIONS
  2. Dont worry this thread will be staying and hopefully whoever is in question will have the decency to tell the truth and clear all of this up once and for all.. Millet I think there is a small group here who would believe anything Derek Canning convicted Peregrine thief would say Don't tell me that the one bird that you seem to be making a song and dance about sent you to jail. Pure nonsense. Other people have moved on with their lives but for some reason you do not seem to. You are a liar and you lie so much you start to believe them yourself. The alleged transcript hold no beari
  3. Dont worry this thread will be staying and hopefully whoever is in question will have the decency to tell the truth and clear all of this up once and for all.. Millet I think there is a small group here who would believe anything Derek Canning convicted Peregrine thief would say Don't tell me that the one bird that you seem to be making a song and dance about sent you to jail. Pure nonsense. Other people have moved on with their lives but for some reason you do not seem to. You are a liar and you lie so much you start to believe them yourself. The alleged transcript hold no beari
  4. Dont worry this thread will be staying and hopefully whoever is in question will have the decency to tell the truth and clear all of this up once and for all.. Millet I think there is a small group here who would believe anything Derek Canning convicted Peregrine thief would say Don't tell me that the one bird that you seem to be making a song and dance about sent you to jail. Pure nonsense. Other people have moved on with their lives but for some reason you do not seem to. You are a liar and you lie so much you start to believe them yourself. The alleged transcript hold no beari
  5. YOU NEED TO GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT ok tell me the facts! DO YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW? The truth about Neil Hunter for example.. WHAT IS BEING DONE ABOUT THE CRIMES OF THE RSPB AND ANIMAL HEALTH? This goes on all the time unchecked. The Watchdog programme and Sweetman ________________________________________ Watchdog programme setting sweetman up by the DofE file 1 file 2 file 3 Guy Shorrock withheld among other evidence, the registration documents that showed that I Derek Canning did not sell various peregrine falcons that I was found guilty of selling.
  6. Is there not a common denominator in all this You will see from the tripe he posts what it is
  7. is that aimed at me Mr Puddle?,i dont know either in person or want too. Regards from an "outside" observer. NO mate wasn't aimed at you no prob's If you look at Cannings History and the comments made by him you can see that he is an obsessive chracter and compulsive liar who has tried to use various forums to drum up support for his cause. The man is completely untrustworthy and I doubt he even has a law dergree.
  8. YOU NEED TO GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT ok tell me the facts! DO YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW? yes go on then, i'll listen then tell you what i think. Type Derek Canning into Google and you will see what type of chracter you are dealing with, a compulsive liar, theif I need to say no more.
  9. I am working on a number of people’s cases, and the reason that I have done nothing with Keith Mill's case is due to the fact that he has not got in touch with me. If he wants me to look at his case and he has been wronged I would be delighted to look at his case as I would with anyone else. In that area of interest, I am looking for information on the Denis Blacktopp case especially. The reason I have mentioned Neil Hunter is because it is particularly relevant at the moment as the police are investigating the matter and either the police have asked him to go to the police station
  10. YOU NEED TO GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT ok tell me the facts! DO YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW? Where did you get your LLB Hons from
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