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Everything posted by Johnjo

  1. Hello I Kennelre was wondering when you would turn up. You were the one that stopped my threads on the other Forum. Another case of you trying to Muddy the waters Derek please answer the question about the letter you produced Derek The question is not going away
  2. I have been following this thread with interest..as I am sure have many others..I do not know either Derek Canning or Neil Hunter personally but via friends have heard of both..and I thought not to get involved but..some of the things said by annonymous others have in my opinion been cowardly and less than helpful..thrown fuel on the inferno.. Trying to look at it from both perspectives..on the face of it there are two people who are both obviously very hurt and very angry because of what they allege the other has done to them.. The nature of the allegations initially made by Derek and
  3. Excellent post and thankfully at last the voice of reason and someone who is very perceptive, he has produced nothing new just the product of years of bitterness Neils evidence was not the evidence that convicted Canning alone, he was tried in a court of law and Judged by a Jury there is no conspiracy theory just a guilty man trying at all costs to get as he sees it in his eyes............even I have said before I have given evidence in court against where he stuttered and stammered his way through cross examination of me I was found to be telling the truth. I do not purport to be the hol
  4. I have been following this thread with interest..as I am sure have many others..I do not know either Derek Canning or Neil Hunter personally but via friends have heard of both..and I thought not to get involved but..some of the things said by annonymous others have in my opinion been cowardly and less than helpful..thrown fuel on the inferno.. Trying to look at it from both perspectives..on the face of it there are two people who are both obviously very hurt and very angry because of what they allege the other has done to them.. The nature of the allegations initially made by Derek and
  5. What worries you is that I may be able to get a copy of that letter or the transcripts is that not the case
  6. I have been following this thread with interest..as I am sure have many others..I do not know either Derek Canning or Neil Hunter personally but via friends have heard of both..and I thought not to get involved but..some of the things said by annonymous others have in my opinion been cowardly and less than helpful..thrown fuel on the inferno.. Trying to look at it from both perspectives..on the face of it there are two people who are both obviously very hurt and very angry because of what they allege the other has done to them.. The nature of the allegations initially made by Derek and
  7. Neil hunter you need to stand on your own too feet and stop hiding behind your brother and your friends who are desperate to stop the truth getting out. The latter of course is a waste of time as I have been to Hexham Police Station and I will be going back with the evidence that will be coming in the post in the morning. In other words, Neil Hunter this is not going away and you friends cannot stop it. The truth will come out. I have contacted the DOE [Roy Pitt] to ask for some information from your records in relation to the phone call that you said that you made to complain about m
  8. Has anyone claimed other? However, Mark Robb's reputation stands as an example to use all. Moreover, he has more birds than anyone of use will ever have, therefore as stated Mark's point of interest is based on principle and right and wrong. He breeds bird at will and his reputation has taken years TO BUILD UP VIA BEING JUST AND FAIR WITH PEOPLE WHICH IS WHY YOU NEVER HEAR ANYONE COMPLAIN ABOUT MARK, WELL ACCEPT Neil. Therefore, there are thousands of happy customers who have received birds from Mark Robb except Neil Hunter. The facts speak for themselves. I heard of a man just recent
  9. Has anyone claimed other? However, Mark Robb's reputation stands as an example to use all. Moreover, he has more birds than anyone of use will ever have, therefore as stated Mark's point of interest is based on principle and right and wrong. He breeds bird at will and his reputation has taken years TO BUILD UP VIA BEING JUST AND FAIR WITH PEOPLE WHICH IS WHY YOU NEVER HEAR ANYONE COMPLAIN ABOUT MARK, WELL ACCEPT Neil. Therefore, there are thousands of happy customers who have received birds from Mark Robb except Neil Hunter. The facts speak for themselves. Derek are you going t
  10. He views the replies and then disappears, I am sure that you do not have all the paperwork salted away for reference. I know that he has so why does he not produce the document I am talking about. I wonder how many replies he will get from the MP's, not very many I fancy You have obviously moved on Robb is offended that you say yet they are thick as thieves yet Canning states that he has been offered birds from Robb for nothing............................find that a bit strange I think his credibility is starting to wane, you cannot keep churning out the same rubbish in diffe
  11. What does that mean, here is your statement answer the questions. If I am not mistaken that is Neils statement. Which he has confirmed by signing it He has already answered all your questions yet you have not answered mine. Your unwillingnes to answer simple questions is affecting your credibiilty as a witness Derek What you are worried about is the fact that if you answer no to the question of the letter you produced and I have a copy then your whole argumentis blown away Go on take the chance, If I do not have a copy I will be able to get the transcript from that hearing which if
  12. Well put. The truth does hurt some people and so it should. It is refreshing to see a Forum with the heart to stand up for public debate, which should be the mantra of all Forums. Pubble you do have your right to have your say and therefore so does everyone else; that is debate and that is what makes our country strong. We must have the freedom to speak our minds in the interest of truth. The interest in this thread is a reflection of its importance, moreover; it shows how people want to hear what people have to say. I want the thread to Run and I believe that Hunter want
  13. I have emailed about 120 members of the house of Parliament to ask for a police inquiry into the matter, as there is a serious issue of perverting the course of justice and Hunter saying there might be some minor inconsistencies dos not work. To be a good liar you need a good memory. This is a copy of the letter that I got back from the handwriting expert however it is not the one that I need, which I am still looking for. Ten years down the line you are still waiting for the letter you want? Print a copy of the letter I am talking about Derek or are you going to keep evadi
  14. I have emailed about 120 members of the house of Parliament to ask for a police inquiry into the matter, as there is a serious issue of perverting the course of justice and Hunter saying there might be some minor inconsistencies dos not work. To be a good liar you need a good memory. This is a copy of the letter that I got back from the handwriting expert however it is not the one that I need, which I am still looking for. Ten years down the line you are still waiting for the letter you want?
  15. I have emailed about 120 members of the house of Parliament to ask for a police inquiry into the matter, as there is a serious issue of perverting the course of justice and Hunter saying there might be some minor inconsistencies dos not work. To be a good liar you need a good memory. This is a copy of the letter that I got back from the handwriting expert however it is not the one that I need, which I am still looking for. Derek Answer the question I have posed to YES or NO Your letter from the handwriting expert proves nothing You should know that to be a good lia
  16. Its a strange one Mate ! we've all been watching over the thread unfold with some Guys obviousley knowing more about the case than others and sticking by the information they know in defence of parties involved, which is fair enough!! but there's others that have just popped in for the Bundle. if its a Bundle they want! it will go to the main General Forum for the rest of the Hunting community to take part and make their decisions and all sorts of shit will break loose.... Lets not turn it into a General Election lads. the two main guys are putting their cases forward and the gennuine guys
  17. Its a strange one Mate ! we've all been watching over the thread unfold with some Guys obviousley knowing more about the case than others and sticking by the information they know in defence of parties involved, which is fair enough!! but there's others that have just popped in for the Bundle. if its a Bundle they want! it will go to the main General Forum for the rest of the Hunting community to take part and make their decisions and all sorts of shit will break loose.... Lets not turn it into a General Election lads. the two main guys are putting their cases forward and the gennuine guys
  18. Its a strange one Mate ! we've all been watching over the thread unfold with some Guys obviousley knowing more about the case than others and sticking by the information they know in defence of parties involved, which is fair enough!! but there's others that have just popped in for the Bundle. if its a Bundle they want! it will go to the main General Forum for the rest of the Hunting community to take part and make their decisions and all sorts of shit will break loose.... Lets not turn it into a General Election lads. the two main guys are putting their cases forward and the gennuine guys
  19. Its a strange one Mate ! we've all been watching over the thread unfold with some Guys obviousley knowing more about the case than others and sticking by the information they know in defence of parties involved, which is fair enough!! but there's others that have just popped in for the Bundle. if its a Bundle they want! it will go to the main General Forum for the rest of the Hunting community to take part and make their decisions and all sorts of shit will break loose.... Lets not turn it into a General Election lads. the two main guys are putting their cases forward and the gennuine guys
  20. Johnjo

    A Few Photo's

    Good stuff Bonzo, any of the almost legendary Eagle Floyd
  21. Mark Robb has nothing to say at this time for personal reasons, that is all I will say at this time. End of story. Derek Canning is NOT his goffer. Mark Robb is big enough to stand on his own two feet !!! Furthermore Mark Robb is too busy at this time of year keeping a breeding project running than to spend his time on here. He is a man who gets up at 4.00am this time of year and is still going till way after midnight producing birds, feeding birds, looking after birds etc ! Producing birds to make a living except some people dont see it that way, they see him as a soft touch and prey on
  22. Just out of interest If you look at the ticked gift box, am I wrong or does there aappear to have been more pressure used in that box from the other Handwriting
  23. Dont worry this thread will be staying and hopefully whoever is in question will have the decency to tell the truth and clear all of this up once and for all.. Millet I think there is a small group here who would believe anything Derek Canning convicted Peregrine thief would say Don't tell me that the one bird that you seem to be making a song and dance about sent you to jail. Pure nonsense. Other people have moved on with their lives but for some reason you do not seem to. You are a liar and you lie so much you start to believe them yourself. NEIL HUNTER ANSWER THE QUESTIONS
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