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Everything posted by Johnjo

  1. I think he has a bit to learn if he wants a Golden to fly at Deer, not sure that he could make the transition from Harris to Goldie and certainly would not recommend that he try John
  2. You started the mud slinging and ganging up on me. Therefore, you have nothing to complain about if some one retaliates. You should keep your nose out of other people’s fights when you do not know what you are talking about. As for as meeting you I am sure you would not be so brave face to face. This is what I look like by the way so you will know what I look like if I ever want an autograph which I never will. You are a waste of space and my time. Derek it is a while since I have seen you are you on the left or the right
  3. You started the mud slinging and ganging up on me. Therefore, you have nothing to complain about if some one retaliates. You should keep your nose out of other people’s fights when you do not know what you are talking about. As for as meeting you I am sure you would not be so brave face to face. This is what I look like by the way so you will know what I look like if I ever want an autograph which I never will. You are a waste of space and my time. Always worry about guys who hang about in a gym and then get themselves photographed
  4. DO not worry John I have not forgotten about you PLEASE READ BELOW. I would invite the readers to go through all the pages of this thread and see where Neil has answered my questions about the tick in the box as i cannot find his answer accepted by his big brother who I have shown to be a liar and as further proof read below and see DEFRA\'S ANSWER TO John\'s lies. Subject: FW: DEREK Date: 01/04/2008 14:08:00 GMT Standard Time From: roy.pitt@animalhealth.gsi.gov.uk THIS IS NEIL HUNTER\'S BROTHER SAYING IT WAS DEFRA WHO TOLD HIM TO FILL IN THE ILLEGAL FORM NOW WHAT DO YOU
  5. To be precise it means Res ipsa loquitur Literally, " a thing that speaks for itself." In tort law, the doctrine which holds a defendant guilty of negligence without an actual showing that he or she was negligent. Its use is limited in theory to cases in which the cause of the plaintiff's injury was entirely under the control of the defendant, and the injury presumably could have been caused only by negligence. Not sure if this is used in the right context Derek
  6. Wag, Fair comment , but read the posts and look at the evidence. Look at the answers I have given ,and then look at the answers he has not given to any questions. Whether or not the DNA evidence is flawed, he claimed to have bred 22 - 29 peregrines from 2 breeding pairs naturally. There are not 2 breeding pairs in the country as prolific as that. Add to that, the fact that when his premises were searched no parent birds were found as they had "conveniently" been stolen . It doesn't take Columbo to work out what the truth is. Neil In spite of what I have said about keeping th
  7. What Derek there is even more about him ? Just about 75 pages, however I am trying to shorten it so it makes it more user friendly on here. Neil, his wife and brother will not be happy especially when I send it to the police. However, he can try to get in my good books by giving me the money for the spars if they were not a gift and paying Mark his money. I know that he is not bothered about the money he just feels betrayed by some one that that he trusted. I know how he feels. Derek send it to the police I have nothing to fear or hide so crack on
  8. What are you talking about you mad man, are you taking mind-altering drugs? I made no such complaint you lying fool. Let me a sure you Neil Hunter had you of been the man that you refer to the police would not have needed to look for you as I would have dragged you lying face by its ever growing nose straight to the police station with the greatest delight. Neil WHY DO WE NOT ARGUE HEAD TO HEAD WITHOUT YOUR BROTHER AND GANG ANSWERING FOR YOU AND SEE WHO PEOPLE BELIEVE? See Derek, because I am part of it and know the facts .
  9. I see what your saying but I personally would like to see it stop. The problem I have is that this has been going on for 15 years now. It has all been dealt with in the court. How many reading this think that Derek Canning IS NOT a peregrine thief. Not many I would guess. Ultimately Derek Canning has harassed me for all this time but I compose myself and answer his questions but they get repeated time and time again. I would like to look around this forum and could contribute in many of the sections, as falconry is not the only fieldsport I am involved in, but I end up spending all my
  10. Its a strange one Mate ! we've all been watching over the thread unfold with some Guys obviousley knowing more about the case than others and sticking by the information they know in defence of parties involved, which is fair enough!! but there's others that have just popped in for the Bundle. if its a Bundle they want! it will go to the main General Forum for the rest of the Hunting community to take part and make their decisions and all sorts of shit will break loose.... Lets not turn it into a General Election lads. the two main guys are putting their cases forward and the gennuine guys
  11. I see what your saying but I personally would like to see it stop. The problem I have is that this has been going on for 15 years now. It has all been dealt with in the court ATB, Neil If some one lied and set me up then 15 years is nothing! I would never forgive and forget I would fight to the bitter end and thats a fact What do you actually know.According to you, you have never met Canning. Have a good look and read the posts. Derek Canning stole a number of peregrines from the wild.He avoids answering any questions that would infer his guilt. I have answered every questi
  12. You are actually pathetic, go back a few posts it has all been answered and truthfully You are obviously getting desperate as you are repeating the same old crap. Do you hope that a few posts down the line that people forget, who are you anyway why not come clean Mark Robb owed Neil a brown Tiercel which he did not honour in the first place, go back and read the posts
  13. Compulsive Lying To begin with, it may help to understand the difference between pathological and compulsive lying (see, types of liars). Ultimately, making this type of distinction may not be all that useful. Because in either case, the outcome is typically the same: dealing with a compulsive or pathological liar is very difficult to do. A compulsive liar will resort to telling lies, regardless of the situation. Again, everyone lies from time to time , but for a compulsive liar, telling lies is routine; it becomes a habit and a way of life. Simply put, for a compulsive liar
  14. Because he is a compulsive liar and has launched a personal vendetta against a person who only played a bit part in his conviction which has been answered I have given evidence against him in court and was shown a letter that allegedly Neil had written, Canning has yet to answer any questions about that or answer any other questions. The man has serious problems The documentation actually does not mean anything as it is old hat,if he produces something new in respect of Neil I would be amazed because I know it does not exist or will be fabricated like he has already done and had th
  15. I see what your saying but I personally would like to see it stop. The problem I have is that this has been going on for 15 years now. It has all been dealt with in the court ATB, Neil If some one lied and set me up then 15 years is nothing! I would never forgive and forget I would fight to the bitter end and thats a fact What do you actually know.According to you, you have never met Canning. Have a good look and read the posts. Derek Canning stole a number of peregrines from the wild.He avoids answering any questions that would infer his guilt. I have answered every questi
  16. I see what your saying but I personally would like to see it stop. The problem I have is that this has been going on for 15 years now. It has all been dealt with in the court ATB, Neil If some one lied and set me up then 15 years is nothing! I would never forgive and forget I would fight to the bitter end and thats a fact I couldnt agree more. Let us hope that , if there is anyone telling blatant lies, that they get exposed for the lies. And...let me say, anyone who issues veiled threats to any moderator will be banned. Let us hope that there has not been a mi
  17. I see what your saying but I personally would like to see it stop. The problem I have is that this has been going on for 15 years now. It has all been dealt with in the court ATB, Neil If some one lied and set me up then 15 years is nothing! I would never forgive and forget I would fight to the bitter end and thats a fact You are obvioulsy not very bright, if you read the posts you will see that the only person who has not answered anything is your good friend Mr Canning. If you have nothing sensible to offer you would be better holding your own counsel. As you do not kno
  18. Johnjo

    A Few Photo's

    Erm no J. Someone told me ha was as fat as a barrel after munching his way through a Blue And i never got the chance to meet the fella. PMSL mate. Not one of my best experiences J
  19. The trouble is Bonzo, is that the deluded Mr Canning 15 years down the line is still, hunting for new evidence, He cannot answer the questions because Neil has already answered them truthfully. This is never going to achieve anything other than letting the half baked Mr Canning use the forum to have a pop at Neil. He has one or two misinformed followers, who I am sure he just feeds a couple of lines before they post. You are right Neil did not put him away, there was a mountain of other evidence supplied by people who have far more in the way of mental furniture than the unfortunate
  20. Spar, I think you are right,Neil has answered his question time and time again but he keeps coming back with with the same questions I find it inconcievable that a right thinking individual could persist with this. He never answers a question . I don't know what scooby falcons has to do with this, but probably one of Dereks pals just putting his tuppence worth in to make it look good I will not post on this again because the man is obvioulsy in need of psychiatric help
  21. I have to say the most painfull experience I have had was when I was entering my Golden Eagle for the first time a disaster of a day which ended up with the bird becoming confused and grabbing the dog. To prevent the dog being on the receiving end, I stuck by ungloved hand in between them both. The talon entered my ungloved hand at the base of my hand and was a millimetre from coming through to the palm of my hand very painfull and required a visit to the A&E Johnjo
  22. Derek you know that that was not on an open forum and as I have said is of no evidential value as you can amend it to suite simply by cutting and pasting Motherfucker is not an expresion I have ever heard Neil say, I think that has been aded for effect and perhaps to curry favour with some
  23. Hello I Kennelre was wondering when you would turn up. You were the one that stopped my threads on the other Forum. In relation to Mark’s bird. No matter what Neil is stating or how he twists his story around at the end of the day these are the facts: Did Neil take a gyr/peregrine from Mark? YES Did Mark tell Neil the price? YES Did Neil explain to Mark he was not happy about paying for this bird? NO Did Neil drive off with the falcon even though he was not happy with the price? YES Did Neil ever explain for Mark he did not wish to pay for the bird? NO Did Neil sell t
  24. Hello I Kennelre was wondering when you would turn up. You were the one that stopped my threads on the other Forum. In relation to Mark’s bird. No matter what Neil is stating or how he twists his story around at the end of the day these are the facts: Did Neil take a gyr/peregrine from Mark? YES Did Mark tell Neil the price? YES Did Neil explain to Mark he was not happy about paying for this bird? NO Did Neil drive off with the falcon even though he was not happy with the price? YES Did Neil ever explain for Mark he did not wish to pay for the bird? NO Did Neil sell t
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