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Everything posted by provarmint

  1. thats wicked mate! what is it? i suppose you could just use piece of marine ply with a hole cut out of it too i guess. its a defender with a sunroof fitted in the back,with a roofrack cut and fitted with ply.It's about the best setup for lamping as the driver can lamp and the rifle is always looking over the beam. atb paul With your Ackley's, your Prac 20 and 360* vision day and night, you must be one vermin exterminator. Love the Landy. PV.
  2. My underpants are shrinking again, be lucky, PV.
  3. Credits given where its due Snap , so blow away.
  4. Good review in ST magazine in 22-250 cal. http://www.shootingtimes.co.uk/guns/rifles...fle_review.html
  5. Glad your pleased with your rifle, credit to you as a shooter Snap. ATB, PV.
  6. Right as promised, chrono'd my load using Br2's ES = 35 Average velocity = 2758 fps ATB, PV.
  7. BEST COMEBACK LINE EVER For those that don't know him, Major General Peter Cosgrove is an 'Australian treasure!' General Cosgrove was interviewed on the radio recently. You'll love his reply to the lady who interviewed him concerning guns and children. Regardless of how you feel about gun laws you Gotta love this! This is one of the best comeback lines of all time. It is a portion of an ABC interview between a female broadcaster and General Cosgrove who was about to sponsor a Boy Scout Troop visiting his military headquarters. FEMALE INTERVIEWER: So, General C
  8. Nice, can't go wrong with Sako.
  9. Go back to your original brass, use same load as before, if results are good then its not the primers it will be the cases.
  10. BR2 = Large rifle primer BR4 = Small rifle primer
  11. I use 150 Nosler BT's, the slowish velocity of the .308 doesn't cause too much meat damage, and I find them very accurate in my 75. PV.
  12. I'm with TOMO, Munty tenderloins, most memorable way, done on the back of a shovel over an open fire for supper. ATB, PV.
  13. Just got 3 POL black rhode island, not many black rocks bred this year apparently. Had light sussex before that, they are a good bird. Mine roam free in a section of the garden, happy birds
  14. Tried Br2 primers for the first time, nice four shot group, one cold bore, about .3 inch centre @ 100yrds. I find them cleaner burning aswell. Will chrono when I buy one soon. All the best PV.
  15. I'm going to buy a chronograph,any advice on makes, models. (first hand experience please) Thanks, PV.
  16. Agree with Dicehorn, Best I've found. http://www.deweyrods.com/
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