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Scooby Falcons

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About Scooby Falcons

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. I think its very sad for the Falconry World when individuals like you obtain a Harris Hawk. If you cant read or decipher the basis details on a ring, then how on earth do you hope to successfully fly a harris at quarry. It beggars belief. If you posted this same message on the IFF you,d be slated !! Get yourself a mentor for the birds sake, PLEASE !!
  2. The problem with these anti-organisations is they have shifted tact from protecting cats/dogs etc, to fighting us in the fieldsports world. Making headlines out of cases such as this raises revenue for them. Poor old Joe Public sees them as the Animal Guardians and takes pity when they highlight a case and dumps money in their coffers. Its a problem that wont go away I'm afraid. I personally detest these organisations and every time I see such a post I urge people never to give them a penny. This sort of post frequently crops up on the IFF, which is the International falconry forum, and ther
  3. I,ve tried a wide variety of ammo in the past, however I use nothing but Winchester sub. I find Eleys very smokey and sometimes inconsistent and for some reason they dont have the stopping power of Winchester. The hollowpoint on Winchesters seem to be larger and expand more, thereby giving better stopping power. Thats just my opinion gents, so use whatever your comfortable with.
  4. I've ferreted for years and having used the old type locator and box with much success, I have to say that I'm not impressed with the new Mark 3 job, its like taking a kid out with a musical mobile phone. Why Deben couldn't just keep things simple and easy is beyond me. Why did they have to introduce a god damn ring tone to the locator when a beep would do. All I want to do is find a ferret, not listen to radio 2 at 4 in the morning !!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Its about time they moved it North, to a more centralised location, why all the time should the Southerners have the benefit of short travel. Their loss, no wonder so few from the North go !!!
  6. You are actually pathetic, go back a few posts it has all been answered and truthfully You are obviously getting desperate as you are repeating the same old crap. Do you hope that a few posts down the line that people forget, who are you anyway why not come clean Mark Robb owed Neil a brown Tiercel which he did not honour in the first place, go back and read the posts OHH ! Go steady John, Do u post as Kitetrainer on the IFF ??? Pathetic eh ! Who owes where John ? Mark Robb is owed money for Falcons taken from his place, and he still waiting !!!!!!!!!
  7. Neil Hunter, I have a few questions for you :- Did you attend Mark Robbs place ? Did you take several falcons from his premises ? Did you pay for them at the time ? Did you pay for them later ? Do you still owe money to Mark Robb for Falcons you took from his premises some time ago. Yes or no ? Straight forward question, YES or NO ? Your call Neil !!!
  8. I see what your saying but I personally would like to see it stop. The problem I have is that this has been going on for 15 years now. It has all been dealt with in the court ATB, Neil If some one lied and set me up then 15 years is nothing! I would never forgive and forget I would fight to the bitter end and thats a fact What do you actually know.According to you, you have never met Canning. Have a good look and read the posts. Derek Canning stole a number of peregrines from the wild.He avoids answering any questions that would infer his guilt. I have answered every questi
  9. I,ve been asked by the Moderators to post in the new members forum, so here goes. I,ve done almost everything, the only thing I haven,t done is fresh water fished, and foxhunting from a pack of hounds. I am primarily a shooter, I was introduced to shooting at 5 or 6 years old, had a shotgun at 9 yrs old by consent and Gameshot ever since. Vermin control is a second nature. Ferreted all my life, always had ferrets since I was a kid. Always had an air rifle, since I was 8 yrs old. Done the ratting job, torch, air rifle etc, good old days they were ! Game shooting - Yes. Ferret
  10. I see what your saying but I personally would like to see it stop. The problem I have is that this has been going on for 15 years now. It has all been dealt with in the court. How many reading this think that Derek Canning IS NOT a peregrine thief. Not many I would guess. Ultimately Derek Canning has harassed me for all this time but I compose myself and answer his questions but they get repeated time and time again. I would like to look around this forum and could contribute in many of the sections, as falconry is not the only fieldsport I am involved in, but I end up spending all my
  11. Why close the thread ??? The IFF and the WFF are too quick to do that ! When this proposed website is up and running, there will be no chance of hi-jacking the site and/or the threads and the evidence in full will be there for all to see. I hope this new site has a forum section and the public too can voice their opinions, not just bigoted people from the Falconry World. Then we'll see where the truth lies. Eh !!!!!! To many people are quick to condemn Derek Canning, but we shall all see in the near future. And with a bit of luck, those in the wrong will be knocked off
  12. Neil hunter you need to stand on your own too feet and stop hiding behind your brother and your friends who are desperate to stop the truth getting out. The latter of course is a waste of time as I have been to Hexham Police Station and I will be going back with the evidence that will be coming in the post in the morning. In other words, Neil Hunter this is not going away and you friends cannot stop it. The truth will come out. I have contacted the DOE [Roy Pitt] to ask for some information from your records in relation to the phone call that you said that you made to complain about m
  13. Can I just thank the moderators of this site and forum for their time in allowing this thread to run. It is in the public interest to allow it to be voiced and seen. Had this been the IFF or WFF, it would have been axed by the spineless moderators who dominate them said sites. This way, we all see the truth of the matter.
  14. He views the replies and then disappears, I am sure that you do not have all the paperwork salted away for reference. I know that he has so why does he not produce the document I am talking about. I wonder how many replies he will get from the MP's, not very many I fancy You have obviously moved on Robb is offended that you say yet they are thick as thieves yet Canning states that he has been offered birds from Robb for nothing............................find that a bit strange I think his credibility is starting to wane, you cannot keep churning out the same rubbish in diffe
  15. Credibility !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You what ? How can you mention the word credibility ? Derek Canning went to prison for a matter which a Court convicted him of. However the evidence is continually flawed and very weak and in time i hope it will be proved that the evidence used was inconclusive and wrong and he will get his desired result. Whatever you may think of Mr. Canning, the evidence used to convict him is now starting to leak out and in time the matter will come to a head. What ever you people think and what ever grudge you have against Mr. Canning, I will still suppor
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